018 | eighteen

280 20 4

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to open the world and send it reeling

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It's been a week since Jisung last saw or heard of Minho and it would be a lie to say he wasn't sad about that. 

He even went all out to stare through Clinten Restaurant's windows like some creep, just to check if Minho was there. Long story short, he wasn't.

To say Jisung missed him would be a massive understatement. He felt foolish, but he was seriously worried about the older, and most importantly, he felt somewhat empty. Every second he spent with Minho was a happy one, and with him having disappeared somehow, that happiness slowly faded into an odd, neutral emotion. 

To be fair though, it was also kinda his fault he didn't hear anything of the older in such a long time. His phone was dead and he was too lazy to even put in on charge, he sorta pushed that ›chore‹ out of his mind. 

So it wasn't a surprise that he was extremely confused when his doorbell rang this afternoon, revealing Minho behind the door.

»What–«, Jisung greeted him, clearly out of it. »How–«

Minho chuckled. »I remembered where you live from our date. Now, can I come in?«

The younger nodded, still processing the waiter's presence, who now looked around his apartment curiously. 

»Uhm«, he started after a while, rubbing his neck nervously »what are you doing here so suddenly?«

Minho turned to him, tilting his head slightly. »My messages aren't being delivered. I was worried.«

Jisung flushed in embarrassment. »Oh... uh, I'm out of battery.«

The older chuckled. »Why didn't you put it on charge?«

»Not sure«, the younger mumbled, too shy to look up at the other. »Where have you been the past days?«

Minho sighed. »I was so damn sick, you cannot imagine!«

Dramatically, he threw his hands up into the air, letting himself fall on the couch. »I could barely move, felt like I was burning and had to throw up every, I don't know, ten minutes. Hell for real.«

He turned to look at Jisung. »What about you? What have you been up to, not charging your phone?«

»Oh, uhm«, he began, fiddling with his fingers. »I tried to study, but my motivation wasn't really there. I have an exam in a week.« He blushed, debating whether he should tell the older the reason behind his lack of motivation or not. Fuck it, he thought. 

»I missed you«, he admitted. »You just disappeared, randomly.«

A smile formed on Minho's lips. He stood up from the couch, moving over to where Jisung stood. »You did?«

The younger nodded, his heart thumping at the close proximity of their bodies. »I did.«

»Well, I'm here now«, Minho smiled, letting his eyes roam over Jisung's face. »And if you want, I can stay for a while. Perhaps even help you study. Actually, no, I don't know shit about law.«

This caused the two of them to chuckle. 

»I'd like that. Thank you.«

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508 words

another super short chapter. i kinda hate it. but oh well, it's not that important anyway, because I HAVE RETURNED PEOPLE!

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