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"Xiao Chi!" 

Wei Wuxian woke up at dawn with a shout. He had spent the past night dreaming -more like remembering his past life- about the golden core transfer, his time in the burial mounds and the final war between the Wen clan and the other clans. Apparently, he remembered that he had a sister in the battle and the shock had been so great that his mind sealed the memories away to protect him. 

'But why didn't I remember her in the first place? Could there be a seal placed on me so that I won't remember her?'

He immediately used his spiritual energy to check his body, but found no such seal. Maybe, he had broken through the seal last night. It hurt quite a lot in his past life. He must have screamed out in pain if his siblings felt the need to place a  silencing enchantment in the room. He turned his head to his other side, to see the very face scrunched up in pain that had been splattered with blood in his memories. 

'Xiao Chi! She is Jin Zixian!'

He immediately got off his bed and kneeled by hers. He shook her, but she showed no signs of waking up. 

"Xiao Chi! Xiao Chi, wake up! Wake up!" 

His loud voice woke up Jiang Yanli and the others who opened their eyes and saw Wei Wuxian in a panic and frantically shaking Jin Zixian. 

"A-Xian, what happened?" 

Jiang Yanli composed herself as fast as she could. Zixian was still unconscious and Wei Wuxian was looking more scared than she had ever seen before. 

"Shijie! Shijie, she-she- Xiao Chi, she isn't waking up. She looks like she is in pain, Shijie, why isn't she waking up?" Wei Wuxian asked desperately with tears in his eyes. 

"A-Xian, you have to calm down first. She is still remembering, we can't wake her forcefully." 

"But Shijie, its been a whole night and half a day. How long is she going to stay unconscious now?"

"I don't know..." 

"But- But- I can't! We- we can't-"  

"Wei Wuxian, stop! She will be fine. We won't let anything happen to her." Jin Zixuan said. 

"But- Bu-" Wei Wuxian fainted in the middle of his stuttering sentence. Jiang Wanyin withdrew his hand quickly from his neck. 

"A-Cheng! Why did you knock him out?!" 

"Because he was panicking way too much. He's fine, he'll wake up in an hour." Jiang Wanyin said and went back to sleep. 

When Wei Wuxian woke up, Jin Zixian was still unconscious. 

"Shijie, I think that there is something wrong. Why isn't she waking up?" 

"To be truthful, this is the first time I have encountered such a situation. None of us has ever stayed in our memories for so long. I am afraid that she is remembering something she can't let go of. Something that won't let go of her. I am afraid that we must wake her forcefully." 

"But how?"  Jin Zixuan asked.

"If I use acupuncture, she may wake up physically, but her spiritual cognition will be damaged severely. She is entrapped in her past life, we need to bring her spirit out." 

Everyone was quiet for a while, trying to think of a solution. 

"Empathy." Wei Wuxian said, breaking the silence. 

"No! It's too dangerous!" Jiang Yanli mentioned. 

"Jin Zixuan, she is your sister too. You agree with me, right?" 

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