She turned on her side.
"Hey ari"
She pulled the blankets up over her head.
"Wake the fuck up retard"
She sat up.
Jam was standing in the doorway of Ari's room, leaning against the frame with her phone in her hand. She lifted the phone up towards where Ari sat on her bed, the screen visible. "It's ten thirty."
Ari frowned at her. "Ok, and?"
"It's Tuesday." Jam said, making a confused face at her. Ari sat there for a second more before tumbling out of bed at the speed of sound. "Fucking god damn mother fuck fuck ass bitch pussy pickle suited-" she mumbled breathlessly, grabbing fresh clothes and a hair comb. Work is at 11 today. Which means be there at 10:45. Not officially, but that's what Ari liked to do to make a good impression.
Walking briskly out of the bathroom and hitting the top of Jam's head on her way out ("give Zach a kiss on the nose for me!"), Ari was on her way to work.2 pm. Had it been that long already? Ari leaned back in her chair, the excel sheets and google docs shining brightly back at her. She rubbed her eyes and took a sip of water out of her Dan howell water bottle. Tuesday. Mike and Zach should be in Anaheim by now. The office is usually a lot quieter when they weren't around. Every time Zach passed by Mike's office he would make some ungodly noise at him, and Mike did the same back. They did it to the rest of the office workers as well.
She went out to her car for lunch as usual. Sitting in her car, she pulled out a lunchbox that had Charlie and pim on it (exclusive to employees only). She was about to relax and pull up a video to watch before she had that thought again. About Chris. About how she could hardly believe this is her life now. Dream job, YouTube famous, and now she's dating her boss? She shook her head, but smiled at the thought.hey it's oney
uhhh you wanna work for us? i got your video back and I gotta say it's perfect. Totally cool if not but let me know if you're interested :)How long ago was that? 3 years maybe? Time has flown.
omg really?? i would LOVE to work for you! thank you so much I'm glad you liked it 😁😁
awesome 👏
so it's 20 an hour and the clips we get are usually 3 hours
nvm I'll send you the details thru email lol
glad to have you on the team I really appreciate it :)of course! thank you so much oney ☺️
lol you can call me Chris we're on friendly terms now
I'm ari then 😊 nice to meet you Christopher O'NeillWhat the fuck happened to the font i can't change it??? Ok
Dhhdhdgdhdgdhhdhfhdhd I'm just gonna make another chapter but Im not done here