Special chapter: Scarlet Bond

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Hey this is a one shot and my longest chapter.

First i still haven't watch the film so no spoiler in the chapter, beside this chapter was written before the film release.

None of the event in the chapter are part of the film or i think...all are just supposition and theory.

Thank you for your time and enjoy.

Also sorry for the spelling mistake.

3rd Pov

The Great forest of Jura, a land who was once protected by the mighty storm dragon is now ruled by a monster nation known as Jura Tempest Federation.

And the once slime and now recently crowned demon lord Rimuru Tempest rule the place with authority and respect.

With his influence, the country developped and gained his place as one of the world strongest power.

Military, wealth, influence and more...Tempest is a power that cannot be overlooked anymore.

But within the Jura forest, Tempest is not the only kingdom...

A small country located at the west of the forest,Raja a land ruled by a mysterious queen with unknow and mystical power.

Who would have guessed that those two country will collide...

In Raja...

Inside the council room of raja, multiple figure could be seen.

They were tha main executive of this small country and all of thel were here waiting for there queen to come.

Speaking about the wolf, the main door opened and slowly a young maiden came in with a red haired ogre by her side.

She could be considered fairly cute with a hint of innocence.

Her name is Towa, the queen of Raja.

Towa : I welcome and thank you all for your time.

She said softly and sat on a more distingued chair.

The other attendents immediately get up at her arrival and bowed showing utmost respect.

All : We welcome your majesty !

Taking place behind her, the male ogre smiled proudly, as the personal knight of her majesty.

He was proud of serving such a wonderful master.

Towa : Yes, now without waiting let's start this meeting.

With that, they all settled down and the tense atmosphere was replaced with a serious and deep one.

This meeting is not a simple meeting to talk about the kingdom management, as for now the kingdom of Raja is in danger of extinction.

A dangerous foe is above them and intervention is needed.

With this resolve, the queen stood up majestically and called out the reason of this meeting.

Towa : As you all know, our kingdom is in danger, the sacred water that kept all of us alive has been poisoned by a evil magic and nothing we could do was able to resolve this problem.

To her question, the minister of Raja got up and voiced his opinion.

Minister : Our land has been infected by evil foe, i suggest us to eliminate the demon who have been brought to us by a incompetent ruler.

He voice resonned with hatred, since the Towa was crowned as queen of Raja.

He ws never fond of her way to rule, she is way too naive and compassionate for other...being monster or human.

Rimuru One shot/Short story/Reaction remakeWhere stories live. Discover now