Crossover: Rimuru x Date a Live Part 7 (End)

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3rd Pov

Going back to his apartment, Ellen followed closely, not daring to disobey her new master's order.

On the way, Rimur spoke up once again, startling the former enemy.

Rimuru : Tell me, who do you think is the true villain ? Me or your former master ?

Asking this suddenly, Ellen found no answer...if she sided with Isaac, angering Rimuru was a possibility...

But if she sided with the spirit king, she would truly betray Isaac..;and something tell her, she would change afterward.

Ellen : I-

Rimuru : It seems your loyalty to Isaac Westcott is still present, how admirable.

Praising her, Ellen didn't know how to react...should she be happy that such a being complimented her or should she be angry at herself for being so weak...

Rimuru : Well truthfully, none of us are good...I just asked because I was curious.

Looking down with a rare smile, the spirit king took his time to think about something before nodding.

Rimuru : I think...i finally found it...

Ellen : Wha-

Ellen started but suddenly stopped mid-word, not wanting to speak without authorization or disturb Rimuru.

Rimuru : Until now, I had a plan in follow natural succession and make the world better...but maybe this isn't what I want...

His true intention, also as to why he came back to this world where Mio lived...he wanted to create a peaceful world because he was meant to accomplish it.

He was created and written to do that...he never really thought about going against that thought, it was as if and greater entity implement this in his head...

But now, for the first time he asked himself...why ? Why did he plan everything to make the world better ? Is the world even worthy of his kindness ?

And why did he make first he thought it was natural but then he, just now he finally understood.

He was rebelling against this heavenly order...he didn't want to make the world a better place for all.

He created Mio for his selfish desire...he who was a being whose emotion wasn't needed, he slowly made them for himself.
All this was in hope of breaking that curse, that thought and that goal forced on him.

Rimuru : Yes...i see it now...

Images of Mio, Kurumi, Nia...flashed in his mind, a smile formed on his face...

Rimuru : Screw the world, I'll just make it so me and my family can live happily.

His eyes glowing gold, the spirit king had made up his mind...the whole plan he had carefully made was no longer useful to him.

He then turned to Ellen and said...

Rimuru : I'll give you this one chance, tell me where Isaac is, abandon your former identity and serve me fully or die here.

Speaking up cold words...Rimuru's perception has greatly decreased, he was once an omnipresent and all knowing being but as time passed he power reduced slowly.

It was mainly due to Rimuru not putting any effort in training or keeping his strength and surely most of his power was assimilated to nature.

Creating worlds and universes...

Ellen Pov

Once again, I was exposed to this terrifying and monstrous was ordering me to surrounder like the devil making a deal with you.

Rimuru One shot/Short story/Reaction remakeWhere stories live. Discover now