☆ first job ☆

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You look at the clothes sarv gave you they look pretty cool you say to yourself

you put on your outfit and head over to sarv who was waiting for you to come out of the changing room "it looks so cute on you" she says happily "thank you" you mumble out embarrassed "okay the church will be opening soon so if you don't mind will you help me clean up this place, OH AND ALSO makes sure to introduce yourself to the others" she asks you "ofc no problem" you say with a smile, sarv gave you a smile and went to clean up at some other place. You went to sweep the church's floor when a sudden BAM came out of one of the rooms
You got startled by the sudden sound and decided to check out what is happening

you knocked and someone unlocked the door to the room and there was a little girl with horns staring at you confused "hello, my name is y/n l/n I will be working here for now on" you say casually and a little nervous "I am razzy" she says quietly "do you know what was that sudden bam?" You ask her "... I was trying to a new spell and failed" she says kinda embarrassed "now my room is a mess... can you help me clean it?" She asks you "sure to problem!" You smile, razzy also gave a small smile and leg you in her room. You start to clean up a bit and suddenly you hear the door flying open

Both you and razzy got startled and looked over at the the door quickly just to see selver standing there "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE" he yells at the top of his lungs "I was doing a experiment and got my room messy and I asked miss y/n to help me" she says clearly annoyed at selver "Roachy you are helping my sister but not me?" He says while whining for some reason "I am almost done helping razzy please wait" you say a little annoyed "fine" selver then left the room and left you and razzy speechless "I am sorry about my brother miss y/n, he can be a handful sometimes" "yeah I see it" you say while smirking earing a small laugh from razzy "you don't have to clean up anymore" "mhm" you say confused.

All a sudden the things stared to float along with you and razzy, razzy helps to put all the things away and slowly put you down to the floor again "you had that ability all this time? Why did you ask me for your help then?" You say still confused "I wanted to know if you were going to sacred of me or not, I have other abilitys too but I wasn't sure if I could show you them just yet... but now I trust you" she says while looking away "don't worry, I think it was pretty cool, I am a little sick tho" a small laugh coming from your mouth. "You should get going, oh and my brother ever becomes to much just come over to my room" she says quietly "goodbye miss y/n" "see you razzy" you leave the room to find selver standing right in the door way "took you long enough" he says while shirking

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