*.*.* selever headcanos *.*.*

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Bro is so silly I love him😭

You guys have that type of relationship were it goes sm like this-

You "He asked for no pickles"
Sel "Snif snif" *puts up middle finger*

for Halloween he will dress you up as a angle or devil so you guys go matching

He will bully you but in a teasing way but if anyone else does it he will jump them regardless on who it is

shows you the 10003884746483838 thousand memes in his phone

both of you play fight a lot

He either has a very good hair routine or a very bad one 😭

Whenever he tries to cook anything there is 99% Chance he will burn the kitchen but of ge doesn't there will be a huge mess in the kitchen and tries to play it cool when you walk in

when he is happy or he will having a good his wings will flap a bit

you guys play games like mortal combat, street fighter ect. If he wins he will tease you none stop but if he loses he will pretend it never happened but if you tease him about it his face becomes beet red and denies everything that happend and tries to bring up your last loses

bro will show off his Pokémon card to you and you how he can beat you in the Pokémon game (he has no idea how to play it but pretends to)

Whenever he is feeling bored he goes and annoys raszy in her room and she throws him out everything she gets sick of it

if you have glasses he will take your glasses randomly and wears them until you notice he has them

"Why do you have my glasses?"
"because I was bored"

Then when you try to get them back he will fly up and teases you that you can't reach then gives them back to you when he is done teasing you or is seeing you are turning sad

When his favorite song comes up in his playlist bro will probably break dance

he probably may have all the drawings raszy made when she was little that she gave to him in his closet hanged up

fun fact: I also have 10003884746483838 memes in my camera roll 🕴🏽

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