♡.¡.♡ i love you? ♡.¡.♡

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"I never thought that I will fall for you"
(School UA)

I am bored, I am siting here with the boring ass teacher listening to them talk about sm there is nothing to do here. HOLD UP I forgot y/n is siting right infront me maybe u can talk to them for now ig.
"Y/nnnnnnnnnn" "shut up I am not trying to miss a thing in this class" "oh come on it doesn't matter I am bored and I want to talk to you" "I am sorry but I can't I don't want fail the upcoming test" "Ughhhhhhh you can pay attention to that late rn I want to talk to you roachy"
Now they are quietly looking at me "no." "Yes" I respond back "look I promise I won't ask anything weird" they aren't responding "I just want to know If you want to study together" "alr I don't mind" YES wait wha I am excited? ig I am, I mean I always hang out with them but I feel weird this time like I have butterflies in my stomac- STOP WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THIS.
the bell has just rung it the end of the day anyways, "let's go to my house today y/n" "oh okay" they sounded kinda excited too uhm kinda cute- STOP
(Fast-forward to when you are in selvers house)

"Soo when are we going to study?" "Never. HBAJSVJSVSJSVSJH-" "YOU LIED, I going home" "No don't stay" I never felt my smile disappear so fast "you can stay here and watch a movie with me, I pick the movie tho ehe" "... fine" they Stat in the couch and grabbed the controller right next to them, I am going to get snacks. I left for one second  and I can tell they are fucking tired already might as well get them a blanket, after I get a blanket, I slowly come at them and throw it on their face "here." "thanks but don't throw it at me so hard" "can't promise that heheh" I had a smirk on my face while snatching the controller from y/n's hand "alr so we can watch this one it looks interesting" I sat down with Y/n and I got a bit sleepy so I decided do get cozy in the blanket I got for y/- are they sleeping? That idiot is going to miss all the movie "roachy you awake?" No response WAIT- they moved positions now they are laying their head on lap.... it's not like I hate it, but I feel weird wait am I blushing? ugh as soon as they wake up I will make sure they start sleeping more... but yet again I think I love you y/n
"I never thought that I will fall for you"


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