♡.♡fuck no♡.♡

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FT. Julius
btw this takes places when you and sel and dating soo yeah ☆

[Selvers room]

"Soo y/n since we have been dating for 3 months already I think it time for you to meet him" selver says in a serious tone "please don't sell me to a hit ma-" "No you big idiot, you are going to meet my creato- I mean friend" "... I am going to pretend I didn't hear that" you say blankly "who is this guy?" You ask selver "we are going to meet him rn, he is going to bust into my room any sec"
"HEY YA BITCHES!!!" a strange boy breaks the entire door screaming "WTF JULIUS STOP BREAKING MY DOOR" yells selver "yeah yeah anyways who this person you manged to date" he asks blankly "I am surprised you have people that actually like yo-" "stfu anyways this is y/n, y/n this is Julius" selver says obviously annoyed  "cool cool" says Julius "btw if he ever does something to you don't like call me" he gives hands you their phone.
You put Julius phone number in while selver looking schoked "roachy... traitor" "don't worry I am not going to hit on them mayb-" before he can say anymore selver punch them in the stomach, Julius is on the floor laughing so hard "pff-" "don't you dare  do that again" "are you okay" you sit on the floor to see if Julius is okay "don't worry about me I am used to this hehe- SHJDGSJAGAJAVDJEVJSNSV" selver stomps on Julius and they laugh even harder "OKAY OKAY I AM DONE DAM BITCH CALM DOWN" Julius yells at selver "you better mf" he looks at Julius like he can kill him at any second "should we get something to eat?" You ask trying to avoid any fighting "I am kinda hungry, let's go to a restaurant or sm" says Julius "you can starve. Let's go y/n to McDonald's" "alr but what about Julius-" "YEAH WHAF ABOUT ME?" "...fine💀" all three of you go to McDonald's
[inside McDonald's]
"Do you want a happy meal for grumpy sel~" Julius Says trying to not laugh "NO SHUT UP" sel yells "pff-" uh oh you let out a laugh "y/n don't you dare." Before you guys know it Julius already was on the counter telling the worker what they want the food eventually comes and... "here is your happy meal sel, and here is happy meal me and for dear y/n~" Julius grabs a fry and puts it in your mouth "wa-" You say confused "it tastes good tho, "I am so going to kick your ass after this" says sel aggressively he grabs your happy meal and his and grabs you and flys aways at full speed "HELP ME" you yell at the top of your lungs "BAHAHSHHSNAHSJSHHSVS" Julius laughs.

Kinda proud of this 😭

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