.*•.*•. tease .*•.*•.

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"sel.." "Yes my love?~" "can you let go of me I need to get work done" "ummm, no." "WE ARE ONTOP MY HOUSE ROOF, HOW TF DID WE GET HERE ANYWAYS" "idc as long as you are close by me"

[Time tavel to 2 sec ago]

You were peacefully trying to work on sm then suddenly someone busted through your door and picked you up and telepored to the roof of your house

[Back to right now]

"Now I rember, Anyways BITCH YOU BETTER TAKE ME BACK TO MY ROOM" you yell at the top of your lungs "OKAY JEZZ" sel flew you back to your room and he floped down on your bed "mhmm" you hear him mumble, you went back to wtv you were doing its only been 10 minutes and you feel some hand wrap around your waist "u good?" You ask sel who buried his head in your neck "I swear you are so pretty wtf" you hear him say quietly. You had a bit of blush in your face when he said that.
"Y/nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn~" you hear sel whine out "I am kinda busy sel" "COME ON WHEN ARE YOU DONE" sel is staring to get a bit inpatient "just let me finsh this bit and then I will give you the affection you want" you say still staring at what you were doing "your so pretty please just stop and cuddle with me love~"

Your face starts to heat up again "come on~ I only want your pretty face staring at me" sel starts playing with your hair.  you are almost done you just have to survive sel's flirting "do you not love me anymore? You can back to wtv the fuck you are doing" you are in 20 percent health but you still keep going "love fuck please just stop what you are doing and cuddle with me" 10 percent "you ain't ignoring me are you love? If I did something to make you feel bad just say what I did wrong and I would make it up to you" sel gives you THOSE sad puppy dog eyes, 0 percent... you face sel with your face literally burning because of what he said "okay okay I am don-" before you can say anything more sel lifts you up and throws you onto the bed.

He gets on top of you and you swear he kissed you 287485926289374929298274784
Times he after he was done with that he laid down next to you stared to cuddle you so much you couldn't breathe "sel... you are killing me..." you mange to say "yoops! my bad my love, I can't hold back because your just so pretty I don't want to let you go~" he says while letting you breath and cuping your face "sh- shut up Raspberry" at this point you can't hide your face and can barely manage to say words "your face is as red as a tomato" sel starts to laugh "you should always look this cute ofc you are already mad fine and pretty and hot but all flustered is just so cute I can't help to laugh" "j- just come and cuddle with me-" "whatever you say princess~"



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