♥︎.♡.♡.Rschvania pt.2♡.♡.♥︎

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This is after math from the last part 😭 also there is pregnancy here and stuff so if you don't feel comfy please skip this one! Request by: @ZionCole9
hope you guys enjoy!

"My lovee" you hear Rschvania call you "yeah" you wake up from your sleep "happy birthday" she gives you a kisses everywhere "too much-" your heart is rising just from her touch "I will check on breakfest" you can smell it from the room, "SHIT" you hear her yell out "WHAT HAPPENED" you panicking now you got off of bed put your slipers on and run over to the kitchen "Y/N STAND BACK" you hear Rschvania yell out, there was a cockroach in the room..

You notice that Rschvania has sat down in the ground like she has little energy to do anything "I WILL TAKE CARE OF IT!"you say getting out the flame thrower "Y/N ITS TOO DANGEROUS PUT THAT DOWN AND USE REGULAR BUG SPRAY" "OKAY" you smack the cockroach out the world "I DID IT!" You scream in joy and in tears "good job love" Rschvania smiles at you gently, she gets up from the floor and heads over to put breakfest on your plate, you look over at her plate and it's much bigger than your "do you have a appetite today love?" You say to her "yep you bet I do" Rschvania laughs gently. "Hey do you want to go to somewhere with me?" "Sure love where do you want to go" you ask her "now like we are used to this new place we moved to, let's spend time celebrating your birthday" "YES" you respond quickly "I WANT TO SEE EVERY PLACE WITH MY ONE TRUE LOVE" you say excitedly Rschvania looks away blush "y- yeah let's go somewhere to spend your special day~" "LETS GO" you say happily

[Time skip to where you guys at fancy restaurant]

"The food is so good" you say happily "it sure is" Rschvania stuffing her face with food "I am pay my love it's your birthday so I want it to be special" "thank you so much love!" [People is background wondering if it the criminal from TV 😭, they will pretend to to notice] "so" Rschvania gets into a serious tone "mh?" You say "I have something important to tell you my love" "yeah what is it?" "Well it's kinda hard to say" "don't worry dear just tell me" you say with a smile, you see Rschvania let put a small smile too "I am pregnant" you stop and stare at Rschvania for bit and say "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY" you let out the most loud scream you ever let out, you hug Rschvania "I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY RIGHT NOW I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MY LOVE" you yell "keep you voice down darling" Rschvania says with the biggest smile you have ever seen her make "I AM EXCITED TO FINALLY BE A PARENT" "me too love me too" she hugs you tight and let's out a small scream "this is the best birthday ever" you say with so much joy "I LOVE YOU" "ME TOO" you both yell

[After math]
"Y/N EMERGENCY" "WHAT HAPPENED" you ran up stairs to see your son ruv talking with his mom Rschvania, you let out a loud squeal as you pull out your phone so fast to capture this moment. "he has your accent" you cry from happiness "I have never felt so proud" says Rschvania

THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE SUPPORT AGAIN!!! two post at the same day 💪🏽😈

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