◇ gemologlist ◇

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Krusveto x Gemologlist reader x Rschvania
Request by:@ZionCole9
I LOVE BOTH OF THESE CHARACTERS SM BRO 😭 also in this scenario you guys are together

You here the door slide open behind you while you finishing off work you had to do "honey?" You hear Krusveto, your police man boyfriend call out worriedly  "you have been working so much these last couple of days so hard, are you sure you don't want to come over to dinner with me and Rschvania?" You look over your shoulder and smile "it's okay! You guys have dinner" he stands by the door slowly walking away and closing the door

You hear a foot steps runing up behind you full speed "HOLY-"before you can anymore your door was broken and torn to shreeds "YO ASS BETTER COME TO DINER BEFORE I DRAG YOU THERE" Rschvania yells "STOP RSCHVANIA VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANWER" "YES IT IS" you hear both Rschvania and Krusveto yelling at eachother "MY DOOR" you yell "JUST WAIT A MOMENT I AM ALMOST DONE I SWEAR"  "YOU SAID THAT HOURS AGO DARLING" Rschvania yells "CALM DOWN EVERYONE" Krusveto yells at both of you guys. The room is dead silent now *cough* *cough* "y/n you said you were almost done hours ago and you still didn't have dinner do you know what time it is?" "No..." "it's 4 in the moring" "..." "yeah" "..." "I am almos-" Rschvania runs up to you and picks you up bridle style "I am not taking this anymore y/n." Rschvania starts to sound serious more than ever "your health is every important to me, both of you guys are so I can't allow you to burn yourself out so much my love"

She looks away with blush on her face "if I have to force you to eat then I WILL" there is no escaping her now this is the end for you.

[Time skip where you are done eating]

"I glad you don't have work tomorrow y/n so you have all day to rest" "yep reaching different types of-" Rschvania slams the table "no more work stuff shit causes me headache, how about we all go to sleep now?" "Rschvania is right y/n, we should head to sleep now it's... WTF ITS 8 AM-" "I am tired" you yawn out "let's go sleep who cares now" Rschvania groans out "you guys get so grumpy when you guys don't get enough of sleep"

[All three of you guys go upstairs and flop down onto your guys bed] (you guys share one bed)

Krusveto is the first one to fall asleep "he is always so stressed from work I wish I can do more but yk my criminal record and stuff" Rschvania giggles out "mhm" you mumble out getting comfy next to Krusveto "you guys look so cute sleeping~" you blush at sudden teasing, Rschvania then places a kiss on your cheek and Krusvetos cheek. She then flops down next to you "I love you both so much..." she then falls asleep next to you "I love you guys.." Krusveto manages  to mumble put "so you are awake" you say with a smirk "I love you guys too" you then slowly fall asleep


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