★*_ STFU ★*_

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I am low in brain cells, BTW for some context you both are friends (at the beginning) and a bunch of things happen, also TW: lots of swearing expect alot of it

Raspberry bitch:y/n...

Raspberry bitch:y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n y/n



Raspberry bitch: YOU FIRST


Raspberry bitch: IDFC LISTEN TO ME

You: what do you want

Raspberry bitch: hi

You: never text me again bitch

Raspberry bitch: no bitch

You: really what do you want I am busy

Raspberry bitch: OKAY so, do you want to go to the mall with me?

You: that's the most normal thing you have ever said

Raspberry bitch: shut up

You: alr I will come but if anything happens I will leave you alone

Raspberry bitch: OKAY OKAY, meet at "random mall name" at 2:00 PM

You: alr see ya then

Raspberry bitch: SEE YA MF

[Time skip where you meet sel]

"OKAY what do you want?" You ask sel curiously  "I want to explore and I didn't have anyone to annoy so I asked you" "you really don't have friends do yo-" you are cut off by by sel slaping his hand on your mouth "next time I won't be so nice" "sure-" you both are looking at the passing stores until there was one store that stood out (not really a store more of a restaurant) "HOLY FUCK Y/N LOOK" "HOW IRONIC-" before you can say anymore sel runs towards the pizza place called "ratatouille pizza place" "sounds like a rip off" you say under your breath and run towards sel "Y/N LOOK IT FIVE NIGHTS AT BITCHES" "STOP SCREAMING PEOPLE ARE LOOKING AT US"

You were looking at the family staring at you both the mother looks like she can do  assassination and the father looks like a decetive of some ir agent sort with a small child with pink hair ask the people there of they have penuts. "Please don't tell anyone of this" you say quietly at the family embarrassed "roachy look over here not those npcs" "sel I will smack you back in time where you didn't exist" "OH!" "bitch what" "YOU GAVE ME A NICKNAME" sel says happily "you must be hearing shit" you respond back before sel can say anything else one of the employee named haru on their name tag give you guys a giant pizza that says "rivals to lovers bitches" before you about to fight the employee they disappeared like they where never there

"I did not just see that alone you saw it too right" "let's forget about this let's just eat" sel responds, you grab the first slice and start eating calmly while taking you seat
at a nearby table but before you can react sel grabs the pizza out of your hands and devours the whole thing "..." you don't say anything just have a slow reaction of what's going on but that's when you actually take notice of sel and his features and slowly dozing off think about him you had a tinys crush on him for a long while- "hellooo" sel waves his hand infront of you "mh" you respond "you were staring at me~" "I wasn't I was spacing around" you look away with blush on your face it's not helping when you face starts to heat up "oh~ catching feelings?" "in your dreams." "Harsh" sel says in a sad tone

you stand up from your seat "this place is giving me the creeps there nobody here anymore and there is only creepy anamatronics that smell like something is rotting in here, let's go-" you were walking towards the door before you felt something grip on you wrist "he-" "No, I mean it's ot early to leave right? they have cool games and shit" "I mean yeah but-" "let's stay a little longer" sel sounded kinda upset and looked like he had something important to say "... sure but then we leave" "YES NOW LETS PLAY GAMES TOGETHER, I WILL BEAT YOU BITCH" "IN YOUR DREAMS" you shout back
[Time skip again where now you guys leave]

"I WIN HA TAKE THAT RASPBERRY MF" you start to laugh evilly "SHUT UP YOU CHEATED" "A WIN IS A WIN L BOZO" you say whit the happiest smile ever, tbh you have always felt like you can express yourself when you are with sel, you will never admit it but-. You got off guard when you noticed sel staring at you with a loving smile, omfg I felt you heart skip so many beats you never seen sel like this before, you both stare at eachother for a little and then sel comes to the realization that you know that he has been staring at you for a while "EHM anyways I have sm to tell you" sel says looking away trying to cover his flustered face "what is it..." you say with blush in your face "look it's hard for me to say this but I don't to be friends anymore..." you felt your heart drop but then "I want to be something more, I want us to be something more than just friends ig what I am trying to say is that I love you" you felt tears coming from the corner of your eyes "I love you too" sel look over to you and hugs you still trying to cover his face

"I love you so much it hurts, thank you for staying by my side I want us to be together forever please" this is the first time you sel say something this emotional "I promise I won't leave your side" sel then let's go of the hug and kisses you

Dawg I just thought of an Angst part I was about to make this an Angst chapter I may make this one but in a bad ending kinda 🥲 MAYBE I WILL THINK ABOUT IT

BONUS: not to long after that emotional moment with sel your new bf notice that your both still in the creppy ass building "I can't belive my first kiss here in this abandoned pizza place- SEL ONE OF ROBOTS IS GONE" "FUCK NO" sel picks you up and breaks the whole ass window to get out "BE CAREFUL" "aww someone worried for me~" "NO, I mean yes but I uhh wskbsushs" you both leave the mall as fast as you both could (somehow you guys don't get hurt after smashing a whole window with your whole body)

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