☆.☆ jealous? ☆.☆

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This is a one-shot that you and selever are now lovers!

You and selever had been walking around town as a date, but then you noticed a ice cream truck heading your guys way (or whatever you guys like!) "LETS GET SOME" you say happily running towards the truck "HOLD UP- COME BACK HERE" he yells at you cautiously. He catches up to you quickly and spoons you up to the air "please, I promise I will give you something you want" you say while looking up towards selever "... fine just this once" "YAY" you yell almost causing you to fall off slevers arms "BE CAREFUL" he says throwing you gently to ground.

He looks up to see the person in the truck and asks for food then suddenly he hears you squeal in happiness "WHAT IS WRONG-?" He says quickly Turing over to your direction "ITS MY OLD CHILDHOOD FRIEND F/N" (f/n means friends name) "f/n meet selever! selever meet f/n" you say with a smile on your face, "hi..." selever says while examining your friend "it's a pleasure to meet you, y/n talks alot about yo-" you slap your hand on his face. "AhahaHSFSSFCSAS" you laugh nervously
selever look at you with a smirk "you have been talking about me to other people~", he says while keeping his smug look

"All 3 of you get your food" the truck man says annoyed "who is going to pay?" You ask "I will" says y/n he smiles and says "you know I know. Great cafe near by wanna check it out?" F/n asks you firmly, selevers eyes start to hate f/n more than anything else "sorry no me and y/n are dating" selevers say while holding your hand tightly "out okay then, sorry to intrude I should get going now" f/n walks away "are you okay?" You ask selever confused "don't leave me." He says as he pulls you into a hug "love ya" he says "love you too" you look at him with eyes full of care and love.

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