☆free time☆

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he looks at you while smirking and suddenly grabbing your hand towards his room, he throws you in and him self to his room and shutting the door "you got some explaining to do" he says, (scary) you say in your head "about what" "YK RAZZYS POWERS, WHY ARENT YOU SUPRISED ABOUT IT?" He says while yelling at your ear "YOUR SCREAMING AT MY EAR" you say angrily "okay okay I will calm down but tell me the truth" he says while acting calmer "well I guess I don't really find it surprising because you guys are demons right?" You say kinda confused "I mean yeah but weren't you scared?" "No not really, when I first saw you I was kinda scared bur after meeting your sister I kinda got over it" you say quietly "My sister eh" he says kinda surprised "tbh she doesn't warm up to people to quickly, I guess she feels like she can trust you" "I don't know why tho" you stood up from the floor and looked around the room "it there something I can help you with?" You say "OH YEAH- so the church is open by now so me and razzy have to stay in our rooms for now, selever says kinds nervous "anyways you can stay here now if you like" he says while going to his bed and laying down on at "okay but I have a question" you say kinda nervous "yeah what is it roachy" "do you have power also?" "Yeah why, wanna see them?" He says while a smug smirk appeared on his face "yeah..." you say while looking away "OKAY!" He says pretty excited "oh and also is my mom catches us just say that you wanted to see them don't blame me" he says excitedly "okay, just don't kill me" "I won't keep promises"

Suddenly a huge pentagram appeared on the floor glowing a pinkish reddish color "cool-" you was cut off by selver teleporting to some other place "here we are" he says like that was nothing "I feel sick" "get use to it, hehehh" "so um were are we?" You ask while looking around "a copy of the original church" he says while walking around "me and razzy used to be here... the only way for us to go the original world we're sarv and my old man meet and have us, soon it was impossible for us at first to set foot at that world until now" he says while looking up at the ceiling "it sounds like you guys had it pretty rough" "you got that right roachy, razzy always wanted to meet our parents so it hit her pretty hard when she realized she couldn't go to that world" "say so um what will happen to this one then if you guys aren't around?" "I am not sure tbh maybe someone else will come, like our future children heheh-" you punch his stomach hard "DREAM ON" you say angry and embarrassed "shit that hurt-" selver says while holding his stomach.

"Anyway we got to get going, before we get stuck here" selever opens back the portal and teleports you two into selevers room "I am definitely not used to it, it's kinda scary" you said nervously "don't worry you will get used to it" selevers smug look comes back to his face, "anyways you got to do your duties now so see ya" he waves at you "okay please let me know when you need something" you said while walking out of the room (strange why did he tell me all that stuff when I am still new here? Best to leave it be)

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