.!☆!. summer break .!☆!.

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FINALLY BRO ITS SUMMER BREAK MUHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA anyway as the title says summer break is here for you and selever

"..." "..." "why tf is it so silent it's summer break and we have nothing planned" selever says while laying in bed "and also stop ignoring me I know that you are doing nothing in your phone but staring at it mindlessly" selever gets up and stares at you until you finally look over to him "what do you want to do then?" "... anything" You put your hand in your face thinking of what to keep him entertained "I got it!" "REALLY?" selever says excitedly "read a book dumbass" selever groans "why would I be reading in summer vacation come on" "I am surprised that you aren't in summer school" "oh yeah I cheated half of my work and I did the rest with your help" "so that's basically saying you didn't do any work yourself?" Selever stops and thinks for a couple seconds "I uh I did some by my self I just can't remember" "BRO HOW?" You say with confusion on wtf he is saying "anyway" selever smiles "let's go and go to places like we can go to a zoo a aquarium and lots more" "I though you said you said you had nothing planned or didn't know what to do" "I was just messing with you" selever bursts out laughing while you stay there looking at him with more confusion "alright alright what I am saying is that we are going everywhere for summer break I don't want to stay home all the time plus there is a lot of places I wanted to go but couldn't because of school like the zoo" selever says with a smile on his face "who said we?" You respond blankly "Me" selever snickers "alright then I don't mind spending time with you honestly" you say with a smile

As soon as selever heard that his smile grew wider and tackled you in for a hug "trust me It will super fun!" Selever says with excitement "do you want to go anywhere right now we still have time" "let's go get ice cream" Selver says happily while letting you from the hug and then picking you up and dashing out the door "maybe we could have walked out of the door like a normal Person" you say with you hand on your face "too boring!" says selever with the biggest smile on his face "You have a nice smile you know" you say with a smile, selever looks away with blush in face of embarrassment "thanks.." he responds quitely smiling still but it seemed to grow wider now "LOOK OVER THERE" you say with a voice full of excitement "WHERE" selever stops running still holding you not letting go, you point at a stall with ice cream "PERFECT" selever says with excitement "which one you want?" "*favorite flavor*" "alright I will go get them!" He finally puts you down what felt like a entire life time since you felt the ground

After a couple of minutes selever comes out with the ice cream "I am backkk" says selver with a smile on his face "here ya go" he hands you the ice cream and you grab it "thanks! Next time my treat" selever chuckles and you both start eating your ice creams while sitting at a nearby bench while talking about stuff (got a little lazy here but it's finee) when you guys finished your ice creams and then start to walk back to selevers house to pick up your stuff and go back to you house, when you finally pick up your stuff and wave sarv who was in the living room goodbye you and selever say your goodbyes


=(^• _ •^=) cat

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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