No Show

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You were sitting in your room smoking a cigarette. Your dad would be home soon and you didn't feel like dealing with his bullshit. Not today. You had dinner tonight with y/n. What the fuck was that about?

You barely knew the girl but all of a sudden you were buying her groceries and leaving little notes. You knew how to turn on the charm and how to get the ladies but this, this was different. You felt like maybe she could understand you.

At first you just thought she was hot. Tried to pull the hero card when she was fighting with her boyfriend, and it had worked. But when you saw her and her mom fighting that day it had set something off in your brain. You wanted to protect her. Maybe it was because you had no one to protect you. God, I sound like a little bitch.

You exhaled deeply blowing smoke through your nose. You got dressed and threw on some cologne. You checked yourself out in the mirror. You ran your hands through your hair, roughing it up a little. Perfect.

You grabbed your leather jacket throwing it on and heading out the door. You were met with your dad. "Where do you think you're going?" he fumed. "Out." you responded bluntly. "I don't think so. Not after that stunt you pulled the other day." your dad said blocking your way.

"I don't need your permission." you hit back. "As long as you're living under my roof, you will follow my rules. Is that clear?" he said stepping closer to you. "Fuck you!" you yelled giving him a shove. You took off towards your car. "Get your ass back here!" your dad yelled. You started your car and peeled out of the driveway.

You slammed your hands on the steering wheel. Fuck this shit. You had to find a way out of there. Anytime you fought with your dad it filled you with a rage that was just too much to handle. You drove past y/n's house heading towards Tommy's instead. I need a drink.

Y/n's POV

You couldn't wait for Billy to get here. You had made a nice dinner and even got some wine. You had the table set up nicely with candles lit for a little romantic vibe. Robin had offered to watch Johnny so you could have some alone time. Steve was gonna be there too and Johnny loved spending time with the two of them.

It was five past seven but you were sure he'd be here eventually. He probably just wanted to make you squirm a bit. He seemed the type. You waited a while. It was now eight. He wasn't coming. He had completely stood you up.

Your eyes started to water. Stop it. You barely knew the guy. So why was this so upsetting? You didn't need any extra stress in your life. You just needed to focus on you and Johnny. Forget Billy. You grabbed your keys and headed to Robin's. Fuck him.

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