The First

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You had left and drove around for a while. Why did I say that? You knew why. You did love Billy. But you should have known it was too soon to say it. Now you probably scared him off. You felt like such an idiot when he didn't say it back. He probably thinks I'm crazy.

You pulled back up at your house, happy to see Billy's car was gone. You walked inside and threw yourself on your bed, groaning into your pillow. You had about four hours to sulk before Johnny would be home. You suddenly heard laughter from the back bedroom. What the fuck? Technically it was your mom's room but you had turned it into a storage room.

You jumped up and grabbed Johnny's baseball bat walking to the room. You slowly opened the door. "Ew! Jesus Christ!" you said shutting the door quickly. Your mom was in there with some random guy, completely naked. "What are you doing here?" you yelled through the door. "What does is look like we're doing, sweetheart?" the guy responded. I'm gonna throw up.

"You both need to get out!" you yelled. "You have five minutes!" you finished. "You gonna make us?" the guy said laughing. You slammed the door open and walked over to him. You snatched the cigarette out of his mouth and stomped it out on the floor. "No smoking inside." you said. You grabbed his clothes throwing them at him. "Oh, stop being so dramatic, y/n." your mom said giggling.

You looked next to them seeing the spoon and a needle. "Really? You literally almost just died!" you yelled at her. She laughed an eerie laugh. "Get the fuck out. Both of you." you said seriously. "You gonna hit us with the bat, bitch?" the guy said throwing on his pants almost falling over. You swung at him hitting him in the knees. "What the fuck?" the guy yelled dropping to the ground.

"Looks like I will." you said smiling at him. "Y/n! Stop that right now!" your mother yelled standing up. "Or what?" you yelled back. "I'm so tired of people!" you screamed. She came up and stood in front of you. She raised her hand at you. "You gonna hit me mom?" you spit. "What the hell is going on?" you heard Billy's voice from behind you.

"They were just leaving." you said dropping the bat to the floor and pushing by Billy. "Stupid little bitch." you heard the guy grumble. You turned around. "What the fuck did you just say?" Billy said walking over to the guy. "You heard me. She fucking hit me with a bat." the guy said to Billy. Billy smirked. "That's my girl." he said before punching the guy hard in the mouth. He fell to the floor.

"We're leaving! Jesus!" your mom said grabbing her clothes. "Come on, Tony." she said pulling the guy up from the ground. You stepped to the side as they both walked past you. Billy grabbed the guy by the shirt throwing him out on the porch. "Don't come back here again or I'll knock your teeth out." he growled slamming the door.

He turned to you. "You okay?" he said softly. "Yeah. Yeah I'm okay." you said. He walked over and put his arms around you. You leaned into him. He kissed the top of your head. "Come here." he said pulling you over to the couch. "We need to talk." he said sitting down. "No, Billy. It's okay.. really." you said quickly.

"Y/n.. I've never said I love you to any girl. Ever. I've never felt that way about anyone. I.. I froze up." he said. "Billy, can we not do this?" you said. "Oh my god, y/n. Shut up and listen to me." he said gruffly. You sighed deeply and sat facing him. He grabbed your hands.

"I've never said it before to any girl but I knew I loved you that night when all that stuff happened with your mom. I knew I couldn't say it. It was too soon and I didn't even know what was happening. This is... uh.. really new to me. But I do. I love you." he said looking into your eyes.

"Well... say something." he said. "I thought you wanted me to shut up." you smirked at him. "God, you're a handful." he said chuckling and pulling you to him. "I love you, Billy Hargrove." you said against his lips. "I love you too, baby." he said kissing you deeply. He loves me. Your heart fluttered. "So I'm the first girl you've ever said that to?" you smiled. "Mhmm.. you're lucky." he said kissing your cheek.

"Why don't you come show me how much you love me?" you said standing up and running to the bedroom. You heard him laugh deeply, his footsteps behind you. He caught you and pushed you up against the wall. He lifted you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he shoved his tongue in your mouth.

SMUT ⚠️:

"Like this?" he said kissing your neck. "Mhmm," you sighed. "That's a good start." you whispered. He carried you over to the bed and sat you down. He reached down pulling your shirt over your head. He tossed his leather jacket to the side, his chest exposed beneath it. You quickly took of your pants and he did the same.

He climbed on top of you. You loved feeling the warmth of his body on top of yours. He kissed you gently. "I'm sorry I didn't say it back right away." he said. "It's okay, Billy." you said pulling his lips back to yours. The kiss quickly became more aggressive. He kissed along your jawline and down your neck. He made his way to your breasts, flicking his tongue across them and massaging them gently.

He rolled over on his back suddenly. "Come sit on my face, baby." he said. Oh fuck. You slipped your underwear off and made your way to his face. You hovered over top of him. "Sit." he said forcefully. You felt his breath against your pussy. You lowered yourself down onto his face. His mouth began working immediately.

"Ohh, fuck," you moaned. His hands came up to grip your ass and he lifted you slightly licking all the way from your ass to your clit. "Ohh.. my god." you cried feeling his tongue in spots you've never had touched before. He pulled you down roughly and his face was buried under you.

His lips moved up and down your warmth erratically. His tongue explored every part of you. He moved your hips with his hands causing you to grind on his face. You gripped the top of his hair and took over grinding roughly on his face. He moaned underneath you. "Billyyy," you cried grinding even faster.

You were overcome with pleasure. You felt his chin against your opening as you continued sliding your pussy along his face. "Ohh, shit. I.. I'm gonna cum." you moaned rolling your hips. Billy's fingers dug into your thighs as he flattened his tongue allowing you to use him to please yourself. You pulled his hair tightly as you rode his face. "Ohhh, fucckk!" you moaned as your orgasm shot through you.

Your body jerked against him and he licked and sucked as your cum poured onto his face. You rolled off of him breathing heavy. He rolled over and looked at you, his face glistening with the evidence of your orgasm. He grinned wickedly. "I fucking love you." he said. You laughed, your chest rising and falling fast. "I fucking love you." you said as he pulled you back on top of him.

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