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Johnny was tucked into his bed, fast asleep with Steve curled up next to him. You grinned at the sight of him on the tiny bed. Robin was passed out on the couch and Max was asleep in your moms old room. My family. You grabbed a t shirt of Billy's and threw it on. You slipped your jeans off and crawled into bed. Billy laid there in his boxers. You laid your head on his firm chest. "Everyone's out." you said looking up at him. "It's been a long day." Billy said kissing the top of your head.

SMUT ⚠️:

You intertwined your fingers in his. "So you shot him, huh?" you said smirking at him. "I grazed him." Billy smirked back at you. "That's kinda hot." you said, your voice low. "Oh yeah? You into that?" he said chuckling deeply. "Maybe." you said slowly moving to straddle his lap. His hands were tucked behind his head as he looked up at you. "Did he scream?" you said slowly starting to grind against his cock. "Mmm.. oh yeah. He screamed." Billy said deeply. "Was there a lot of blood?" you said feeling his member growing hard underneath you.

" much blood." Billy said watching you. You could feel him hard beneath the thin cotton of your panties. "Did you make him pay for what he did?" you said leaning down, your face inches from his. "Yes, baby. I.. I made him pay." Billy said, his hips bucking up slightly pressing his cock into you even harder. You kissed him roughly and his hand immediately came to tangle in your hair. He moaned into your mouth as you gripped his throat tightly. He held the back of your head pressing your lips together.

Your tongues danced together and his hands reached down groping your ass. "Mmmm." you moaned against his lips as he squeezed your ass hard. You pulled away biting his bottom lip as you did. He groaned deeply. "My hero. I think you deserve a reward." you said going to kiss his neck. You kissed down his chest slowly and made your way to his member. You quickly removed his boxers and tossed them to the side. You looked up at him as you took him in your mouth.

"Ohh, fuck." Billy moaned. You let him hit the back of your throat before sucking back up to the tip. You swirled your tongue around his big cock wetting it with your spit. His hand gripped your hair as you bobbed up and down taking him deeper in your throat every time. "I want you to ride me baby. Please." he said pulling your head up by your hair. You came up to straddle his waist again. You lined him up and slowly let him fill you. "Mmm.. fuck Billy." you moaned. No matter how many times you had sex, every single time you felt him inside you it was incredible.

You adjusted to his size for a moment before slowly rolling your hips. You gradually sped up grinding on his cock. "Look at you." Billy said deeply his eyes watching your every move. "Fuck I love watching you ride me." he said his hands moving to your hips. You leaned forwards placing your hands on his chest as you started to bounce on his cock. "God, y/n." he growled using his hands to help you bounce faster. Your moans grew louder and you tried to bury your face in his neck to muffle them.

You felt your orgasm building quickly as you continued bouncing hard on his cock. Your nails dug into his chest and you mumbled "I'm gonna cum baby." Billy took over, lifting his hips and thrusting into you. You pressed your lips against his crying into them. He reached up with one hand and covered your mouth tightly as he began to thrust up into you forcefully. You cried out into his hand as you hit your peak and felt Billy cum inside you. You collapsed on top of him, your head falling into the crook of his neck.

"Holy shit." you breathed out. Billy hummed lightly. "Kiss me." he said. You lifted your head and pressed your lips against his. "I love you." you said. "I love you more." he whispered. You slid off of Billy and laid on your side. He turned to face you. "Forever, huh?" you said repeating his words from earlier. "I mean it. I wanna be here for you and Johnny. Maybe get a house in California one day. We can raise him, you know.. together." he said. This was the first time he'd ever talked about the future like this.

Your eyes teared up. "Hey, no more crying." he chuckled. "That sounds like a dream, Billy." you said smiling. "Just us and the waves. I can teach him how to surf." he grinned. "You're a big softy, Billy Hargrove." you said kissing his cheek. "No.. no. Hey I shot somebody today." he said gruffly but there was a glint in his eyes. "Grazed him, remember?" you giggled. He rolled on top of you. "I'll show you how bad I can be." he said his face hovering over yours. "Please do." you said pulling him to you.

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