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You awoke the next day in Billy's arms. You had stayed up most of the night fooling around. He was still sleeping soundly as you slipped out of the bed and headed into the kitchen. Steve sat at the table with Johnny, both of them devouring a bowl of fruity pebbles. "Morning, y/n." Steve said, his mouth completely full. You leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Good morning, Harrington. And don't talk with your mouth full, bad manners." you said smirking. He rolled his eyes at you. You scooped Johnny up giving him a big bear hug. "You're gonna squeeze me to death, sissy." he grumbled. You set him down and kissed the top of his head.

"I love you." you said. "Love you too!" he cheered before going back to his breakfast. Robin was in the kitchen holding a pot of coffee. You walked over to join her. "I'm sure you need this after last night." she said giving you a look. "What do you mean?" you said flustered. She laughed as your cheeks turned a bright red. "Did you sleep at all?" she pushed, a smile still on her lips. You smacked her arm lightly. "Yes, we slept... some." you said smiling back at her. "Didn't sound like it." she said pouring you a cup of coffee. "Oh, whatever. We were quiet.." you whispered as Steve glanced over.

"Mhmm.. whatever you say. 'Oh my god, Billy! Right there!'" she moaned and you quickly covered her mouth. "Robin!" you hissed. She bit your finger playfully and you took your hand away. Steve chuckled and shook his head. Just then Billy walked out in a pair of gray sweatpants and no shirt. Fuck. You bit your lip as your eyes trailed up his body until you locked eyes with him. His blue eyes were already boring into yours. A slick smile on his lips. Robin snapped her fingers in front of your face. "You two are impossible!" she said groaning. You looked away and grabbed your coffee taking a sip.

Billy walked over and gave your ass a squeeze. "Good morning, baby." he drawled, his deep morning voice making you tingle. Fuck, maybe we are impossible. You leaned up to kiss him lightly. "Good morning. Robin made some coffee." you said sweetly. "Mmm.. I definitely need some after last night." he chuckled deeply and Robin glanced at you. "See?" she said pouring him a cup. You rolled your eyes as Billy wrapped his arms around you. He leaned in, whispering in your ear. "I had the best time last night." You felt goosebumps spread across your body.

"Me too." you whispered back. Johnny came running up to you and Billy. "Can we go to the park today?" he asked, immediately giving you puppy dog eyes. You crouched down so you were eye level with him. "We can do whatever you want, Johnny boy." you said grinning at him. I'm so happy you're home. "Yes!!" he cheered running to his room. "You don't know what you just got yourself into." Steve said laughing as he placed his bowl in the sink. You grinned. "No, I do. I'm just so happy." you sighed leaning back into Billy.

"Where's Max?" you asked glancing over at Steve. "Lucas picked her up this morning. I think they were going to Dustin's." Steve said. You nodded and turned around facing Billy. "Park day?" you said raising an eyebrow. "Anything he wants." Billy agreed and you grinned at him. Steve and Robin left to get some fresh clothes and a shower and met you at the park. Steve walked up carrying a giant picnic basket. Billy snorted at him. "What? You don't like picnics Billy? Everybody fucking likes picnics." Steve said as he opened the basket, showing it to Billy. Billy peeked inside, grinning as he pulled out a small bottle of whiskey. "You're alright, Harrington." he said patting Steve's shoulder.

You found a nice spot under a tree and laid out the blanket Robin had brought. You sat there with Robin watching as Steve and Billy tossed the football around with Johnny. "Babe?" Robin said softly. You glanced over at her. You knew what she was going to say. Your mom's funeral. "I know... we have to plan it." you said briefly. "I'll help you." Robin said, reaching out to take your hand. You gave her a small smile. "That would be great." you said squeezing her hand. You looked back up to see Billy send the football spiraling into Steve's chest. "Ow.. shit!" Steve said doubling over. Billy looked over and winked at you. "Oh my god." Robin said laughing. "He's gonna kill him." you giggled.

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