Date Night

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Max had school today. You had let her borrow some of your clothes to wear and her friend Lucas had come to pick her up. He seemed like a sweet kid. You weren't sure what you were gonna do about the situation, you didn't know what you could do but you had to do something.

You and Billy waved goodbye to her and put Johnny on the bus shortly after. You stood on the porch smoking a cigarette, Billy's arm around your waist. "What are we gonna do, babe?" you said exhaling smoke. Billy shrugged slightly. "I'm not sure what we can do. She's still a minor." he said.

"She can't stay there, Billy. You know she can't." you turned to face him. "Yeah.. yeah I know." he said clenching his jaw. "We'll figure something out, okay?" he said as he leaned down to kiss your forehead. "You two seem to have been getting along.." you said looking up at him. "I guess." he grumbled.

"Billy I see how you are with Johnny. You can be good for Max. You can be the brother she needs." you said staring into his eyes. He didn't say anything but he gave you a nod, his eyes looking away. "I'm not trying to force you into anything and I don't know the whole situation but the girl is in pain. This is hard for her... think about how you felt when you were in her shoes." you said softly.

His eyes flicked back to yours. "You're always right, huh?" he chuckled. "Mhmm.. you'll learn that." you smiled, leaning up to kiss him. He pulled you close and you leaned into him. "I love you, Bills." you said. "I love you too, baby." he said. "Time for a fun day of work." you sighed pulling away from his chest. "Mhmm.. but after. You're all mine. We're going out tonight." Billy said smiling at you.

"But Johnny.." you started. "Robin's gonna keep him." he said. You grinned at him. "You talked to Robin without me?" you giggled. He rolled his eyes. "She is scary.. but I think she hates me a little less." he chuckled. "That sounds perfect. I can't wait." you said excitedly. He lifted your chin and leaned down kissing you softly. You held him close, you didn't want him to let him go.

You slipped your tongue in his mouth and his hand gripped the back of your head tightly as he deepened the kiss. You placed your hand on his firm chest. You gripped his shirt tightly as the kiss became more and more heated. Billy pulled away first. "I can be a few minutes late. You?" he whispered. You bit your lip, "Steve will cover for me." You pulled his lips back to yours quickly. He chuckled against your lips and carried you inside.

*time jump*

You ran into family video, your hair disheveled and a grin plastered on your face. Steve looked you up and down and shook his head. "What?" you laughed. "Nothing.. you just. You might wanna fix your hair." he said chuckling lightly. You reached up and started patting your hair down. "Oops." you grinned. "So things are going good with the sex god then?" he joked.

"Oh my god, Steve." you laughed and you smacked his arm. "But yes. Things are going good. Perfect really." you said smiling. You proceeded to tell him about Max who he apparently already knew through Dustin. "I didn't think they got along very well. He was kind of a dick to her. Like pretty mean." Steve said while carrying a box to the back.

"Yeah.. I'm still trying to figure that out. I think we've made some progress though." you said, making your voice light, even though the topic made you uncomfortable. "Just.. just be careful. You don't know him as well as you think you do." Steve said seriously. Your stomach turned slightly. "I think I know him pretty well. He's living with me." you said. Your tone came across meaner than you had intended. "Yeah.. and that happened pretty quick, y/n. Like really quick.." Steve continued.

"I think I can handle myself." you said your voice rising. "I'm not trying to fight with you. But you have to think about Johnny too. How well do you really know Billy?" Steve said quietly. "Don't bring Johnny into this." you hissed. "You know he's my everything." you said tears forming in your eyes. "Y/n.. I know. I didn't mean.." Steve started but you cut him off. "Fuck you, Harrington." you said flipping him the bird and heading out the door.

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