Assault and Battery

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Billy drove you and Robin to the diner after the funeral. You slid into the booth and Billy followed, his arm immediately resting behind your head. You leaned back into him and closed your eyes. You felt his soft lips against your cheek and smiled lightly.

Fuck, I'm in love. It made you nervous sometimes. You had never felt like this before. Jacob was nothing compared to the things you felt with Billy. You never wanted him to leave you. You wanted him... forever.

You opened your eyes when you heard Robin speaking to the waitress. Wow. She's beautiful. She turned towards you and Billy and her cheeks grew pink. "Oh, hi Billy." she stuttered. Oh, god. Billy looked at you and cleared his throat. "Hi, Rachel," he said awkwardly.

Her eyes roamed over Billy's body and you felt sick to your stomach. "You never called." she said, keeping her eyes locked on his. He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled nervously."Um, Rachel. This is my girlfriend, y/n." he mumbled.

You looked at him and met his eyes. Why does he look so nervous? "I have to use the bathroom." you mumbled. Anything to get away from this conversation. Billy slid out of the booth and you quickly made your way towards the back.

"Hey, wait up." Robin said from behind you. You turned and pulled her into the bathroom. "Did he seem nervous to you?" you asked. She shrugged. "Yeah, but I'm sure he was just uncomfortable. Right?"

"Yeah, maybe." you said leaning against the sink. "Babe, this is Billy Hargrove. He's probably slept with half the girls in this town.. And their mother.." she laughed and you shoved her shoulder. "Ughh.. what if.. What if I'm not enough? You don't think he's cheating do you?"

Worry crept over you and you tried your best to shove it down. "I think he cares about you, y/n." Robin said gently. "You didn't answer my question." you said, meeting her eyes.

She peeked out the door of the bathroom and you followed. You watched as Rachel handed Billy a piece of paper and he slipped it in his pants. Then he smiled at her. A classic Hargrove smirk. Your heart stopped. Fuck.

Robin shut the door quickly and your eyes began to water. "I should have known, right?" you said laughing nervously. "You told me, Steve told me." you went on. "He said he loved me. He said forever. Not me... he said it." you started panicking.

"Maybe it's not what you think." Robin said, taking your hand in hers. Just breathe. "I can't do this right now." you said, wiping your tears. You walked out and up to Billy. "I have good news," he said, smiling at you. "I'm ready to go." you said shortly.

"We haven't even got our food." he said, trying to reach out for you. "Baby?" he said, his face concerned. "She said she's ready to go, Hargrove." Robin said and Billy looked between the two of you. "Yeah, okay." he grumbled, standing up and following you outside.

You got in the passenger seat and turned your head towards the window. Just ask him. But you couldn't. You were emotionally drained from the funeral and all you wanted to do was go home and sleep.

Billy reached over, placing his hand on your thigh and you left it there. You didn't have the energy to fight or argue. The drive was quiet as you made your way back home. You turned to Robin as you pulled up in the driveway.

"You think you and Steve could take Johnny to the park for just a bit?" you asked, your eyes filling with tears again. "I think I just need some sleep." you added. Once you were out of the car she hugged you tightly. "Get some rest. We'll be fine." she soothed.

You made your way to your bed and threw yourself on it. Robin and Steve left with Johnny and there you were. Alone with Billy. He removed his suit jacket and button up shirt. Your eyes fell to his chest as he stripped off the rest of his clothes, changing into some sweatpants.

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