Love Me Tender

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You pulled up to the house and walked around to the back seat. You crouched down letting Johnny on your back. You carried him up the stairs and inside. You turned him on a movie as Billy sat down at the kitchen table opening a bottle of whiskey.

You went to grab the first aid kit out of the bathroom and came back to sit in front of Billy. "Really?" he grumbled. "Yes. Really." you said opening it up. He took a shot of the whiskey and you grabbed the bottle from him taking a swig. He smirked at you.

"Ready?" you said taking out the supplies. "Just do it." he said. You started cleaning his face. He had a pretty good cut under his eye. He winced as you wiped across it. "Fuck, y/n." he said sucking his teeth. "He got you pretty good here." you said. "We're gonna have to clean it or it will get infected." you added.

"It might sting for a minute but.." you started. "Just. Do. It." he said grumpily. "Fine." You grabbed the bottle of alcohol and poured it down his cheek. "God damn it!" he said through gritted teeth. He took another shot of the whiskey. You walked to the sink wetting a rag and came back wiping the blood from under his nose. You stuck a butterfly stitch on his cut.

"All done." you said, smacking his cheek lightly. "Thank you." he said leaning in and kissing you. "You'd make a hot nurse." he said winking at you. You looked over at Johnny who was completely entranced in his movie. You grabbed Billy's hand and pulled him into your room, locking the door behind you. He looked at you and raised an eyebrow.

You dropped down to your knees in front of him and he looked down at you. God, he's beautiful.

"I've never had a nurse give me such special treatment before

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"I've never had a nurse give me such special treatment before... well there was the one.." he said smirking down at you. "If you want this special treatment I suggest you stop talking now." you said unbuttoning his pants. He chuckled deeply.

"Come here." he said as he reached down pulling you up to him. He kissed your lips gently. "I was just kidding." you said. "I know." he said kissing you again. His kiss was gentle. His lips moved slowly against yours. You reached up and cupped his face in your hand. He pulled away looking into your eyes. His eyes were misty.

"Billy, are you okay?" you said softly. He swallowed hard. "I... I don't know." he said, his voice breaking. "Shit." he said wiping a tear away. He sat on the edge of the bed and you came to sit beside him. "I'm here for you." you said taking his hand in yours. "I know." he whispered. "I love you, Billy. I really do." you said squeezing his hand.

He leaned in kissing you deeply. You felt tears on his face. He leaned over you and you laid back on the bed. His hand came to rest on your waist as he continued kissing you, his tongue entering your mouth delicately. He had never kissed you so tenderly before. He pulled away looking into your eyes deeply. He brushed a strand of hair out of your face and kissed your forehead, his lips lingering.

"I love you, y/n." he said his lips tickling your face. He kissed down your cheek and onto your neck. Every touch soft and sweet. "I love you." you whispered. His lips met yours again, more intensely this time. Your tongues swirled together. He tasted of whiskey and Marlboro Reds. Your arms came to wrap around his neck as your tongues danced together.

SMUT ⚠️:

He reached down his hand roaming under your shirt, his fingers grazing your skin softly. He pulled your shirt over your head. He trailed kisses down your body, stopping at the top of your jeans. He took them off and threw them aside before removing his own clothes.

He nuzzled into your neck kissing lightly up to your ear. He sucked lightly on your ear lobe and you let out a small moan. You pulled his head closer, tangling your fingers in his hair as his tongue traced along your ear. His breath sent tingles all over your body. He reached down caressing your breast gently as he moved to kiss your lips.

His fingers moved lower exploring your warmth lightly. You pulled his head to your breast and he began to suck on your already hard nipple. He dipped a finger inside of you plunging deep and you arched your back slightly. "Billy.." you breathed. He added another finger and continued working you with his hand, bringing you closer and closer to your peak.

Wave after wave of pleasure hit you as he entered another finger into you, pleasuring you. His tongue swirled and flicked your nipple as he worked you through your orgasm. You moaned as you felt your juices coat his fingers. "Mmm.. baby.." he moaned bringing his face back to yours.

You leaned your head back closing your eyes savoring the aftermath of your climax. He kissed you as he lined himself up to your entrance and entered you slowly. He moaned deeply as he filled you up. He grabbed your legs wrapping them around his waist as he continued with slow, deep thrusts. You held him in close as he brought your lips together once again.

You felt the kiss deep within you as he dug his fingers into your cheek holding you in place to kiss you even deeper. You had never had such a passionate kiss from any guy before. You felt it throughout your entire body. This is what love feels like. He pulled away looking deep into your eyes as he held your hands beside your head, his fingers interlocking with yours.

He maintained eye contact as he made love to you. Your bodies tangled with each other as it became more and more intense. He was tender but strong as he thrust into you again and again. He kissed your lips then your neck as your moans filled the room. You felt your orgasm building quickly.

You lifted your hips, meeting his thrusts. "I love you, baby." he moaned against your lips. "I.. mmm.. I love you too." you managed your voice shallow. His lips crashed into yours as your second orgasm pulsed through you. You felt him release into you and you gripped his neck tightly holding him in.

He laid his head on your chest, breathing heavy. You played with his hair, running your fingers through his curls. "Do you think I'm a screw up?" he said quietly. "No, Billy, I don't. Look at me." you said and he looked up into your eyes.

"I think that you were dealt a super shitty hand and I think that you're dealing with it the best way you know how. You're the strongest guy I know. And I'm so lucky you're mine." you said kissing his forehead. He gave you a small smile. "Thank you for not giving up on me." he said. "I'll never give up on you." you said holding him close.

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