Less House, More Home

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You woke up early the next day and walked into the living room quietly. Max was still asleep on the couch. Why didn't he tell me he had a sister? You hadn't been to his house many times at all because of his dad but that's a big thing to leave out. And seeing the way he was with her made you wonder about things.

Their relationship was obviously not good but the poor girl had came to him when she needed someone. You knew Billy could be the brother she needed. You were gonna make sure he realized that too. You went to the kitchen and started making some breakfast while everyone slept. "Um.. hi." you heard a soft voice behind you.

You turned to see Max standing there shuffling her feet awkwardly. You smiled at her and offered her a cup of coffee. "I'm sorry for barging in last night." she said. "It's totally fine. You slept all day yesterday.. are you feeling any better?" you said sitting at the table and gesturing for her to sit. "I haven't been sleeping well at home. Neil's been a real douchebag since Billy left." she said taking a seat.

You looked at her with sad eyes. "Max, you're welcome here anytime. I know it's not much but..." you started. "Love grows best in small houses. That's what my Grandma used to say." she said giving you a smile. "So what's the deal with you and Billy?" you asked returning her smile. Her face dropped and she began picking at her fingernails. "Billy.. um.. I don't know. I think he blames my mom for us moving from California. And we just.. we don't really get along." she said quietly.

You reached across the table and held her hand. "I think Billy has a lot of things to work on but I think he's trying." you said. She nodded at you. Just then Johnny came running down the hallway. "I smell sausage!" he said sniffing the air. You laughed and went to scoop him up. "And pancakes." you said kissing his cheek before putting him back on the ground.

"I'm gonna get Billy!" he said running back down the hall. You chuckled and went to grab some plates. Billy came back shortly after with Johnny on his back. He looked at you with sleepy eyes. "Coffee." he grumbled. You grinned at the sight of them. "Already made, babe." you said bringing him his cup. He sat Johnny at the table and looked at Max. "Hey.. how are you feeling?" he said taking a sip of his coffee.

"I'm okay. Thanks." she said shortly. I have to fix this. Billy walked around the table and kissed you lightly. "Fix Max a plate?" you said as you grabbed Johnny a pancake. "Uh.. sure." he said grabbing a plate. "Thank you." you said grabbing his chin and pulling him in for a longer kiss. He smiled against your lips. He brought Max her plate and she smiled at him. "Thanks, Billy." she said. "Yeah.. of course." he said giving her a small smile back.

You all ate your breakfast and Billy said he was going to shower. He pulled you close and whispered in your ear. "I love you, baby." You leaned against his chest. "I love you, too." you said smacking him on the ass as he walked away. He disappeared down the hallway and Max came to help you with the dishes. "He looks really happy here." she said. "Happier than I've ever seen him." she went on.

You smiled at her words. "Max, you can't stay there. Not if Neil has decided to make you his next victim." you said turning to face her. "I... I can't leave." she said, her voice sad. "What about your mom? Does she know?" you asked her. She shrugged. "She knows... I don't know if she'll leave him or not." "You have a place here. If you ever need it. Okay?" you said staring in her eyes.

She hugged you unexpectedly. "How did someone like you end up with Billy?" she said chuckling. "He got really lucky." you joked as she pulled away. "Come play with me!" Johnny pulled at her sleeve. She laughed and shrugged waving at you as he pulled her down the hall. You finished the dishes and went into your room.

You heard the shower running and slipped inside the bathroom locking the door behind you. The shower curtain opened and Billy poked his head out. "Can I join?" you said slipping out of your pajama shorts. "The answer to that question is always gonna be yes." he said watching you remove the rest of your clothes. You grinned as you stepped into the hot shower.

SMUT ⚠️:

"We have to be fast." you said reaching down and stroking his member. He threw his head back and groaned deeply. You kissed his now exposed neck. "Turn around, baby." he said switching spots with you. You pressed your hands against the shower wall and you felt his cock against your entrance. His hand came around covering your mouth as he thrust roughly into you. You cried out into his hand.

His next thrust was slower as he entered you inch by inch. His hand came to rest on your waist as he continued his thrusts. You felt his breath against your neck as he leaned forwards. "You feel so fucking good." he moaned in your ear. "Billy.." you moaned lightly. You stuck your ass out more and he gripped it tightly as he sped up his thrusts. You bit your lip trying to remain quiet.

"Choke me, Billy." you whispered. He chuckled deeply as his strong hand came around your throat. He lifted your leg putting it on the edge of the tub. "Oh, fuck. Right.. right there." you said as his cock reached even deeper. You reached down rubbing your clit. Billy smacked your ass hard and you felt your climax coming. "I'm gonna cum, Billy." you whined rubbing your clit even faster.

"You want me to cum inside you, baby?" he said deeply. "Yes.. yes. Cum inside me." you said throwing your head back into his shoulder. His mouth came to your neck sucking harshly as you felt the sweet release of your orgasm. You removed your hand from your warmth and Billy groaned as you felt his cock twitch and you felt his cum inside of you.

He spun you around and pressed you against the wall of the shower. You were still catching your breath from your orgasm. "I'm obsessed with you." he said kissing you roughly. You held him close as your tongues intertwined. You moaned into his mouth. "We have to get back out there." you said when he pulled away. He groaned holding you close. The water ran over you as he pressed his body against yours.

"Tonight." you said biting his lip. "All night." he smirked. You grabbed his face kissing him deeply before you stepped out of the shower. You dried off and got dressed. You went to check on Johnny. You didn't see him in his room and you panicked. You saw the screen door open. You looked out and saw Johnny on a skateboard, Max holding his hand.

You walked out to them and Johnny smiled at you. "Look sissy!" he grinned. "That's super cool, buddy." you said grinning back. "Hey, y/n?" Max said looking over at you. "Yeah?" you answered. "Do you think I could stay just one more night?" she said giving you a half smile. "I would love that." you said smiling back.

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