A Ring

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Billy's POV

"This one?" you say holding up a gold ring with a chunky pink diamond. Steve gives you a disgusted look.

This is the fifth fucking ring Steve has made that stupid face at.

"Oh my god, what is wrong with this one?" you groan, setting the ring back on the shelf.

"First of all, y/n hates pink. Second, you need to take a breath and calm down." Steve says in a bossy tone.

"Well I'm fucking nervous, Harrington. Shit." you look over and see him smirking at you.

"I never should have asked you to come." you roll your eyes and keep looking at the rings.

"Trust me, you made the right choice." Steve says, patting your shoulder. "Now look at this one. Simple, small diamond. Silver. Silver is your friend." he picks up a delicate ring.

"Yeah.. that one's nice. You don't think it's too small?" you ask, holding the ring in between your thumb and pointer finger.

"Y/n's not really about the fancy things, Billy. You know that... you do know that right?" Steve sighs.

"Yes, I know that. But that one is boring. I want it to be perfect, okay? I want her to have something nice. Something good enough for her, ya know?" you mumble feeling uncomfortable with this entire conversation.

"You're a softy." Steve shoves your shoulder with his.

"Touch me again Harrington and I'll kick your ass like I did senior year." you shoot him a glare.

"That was uncalled for, Hargrove. I thought you were a changed man." Steve stands there with a look of disappointment.

"You're messing up my concentration." you grumble his way before a ring catches your eye. It's pretty. Silver. A small diamond.

Similar to the one Steve had shown you but this one had more detail. It twisted down the side with little diamonds. It's perfect.

You pick it up and hold it out for Steve to see. You see a smile spread across his lips. "Yeah?" you say feeling relieved.

"She'll love it, Billy." he says and you nod as your lips curl into a smile.

You check out and make your way to the car. Your head starts to fill with negative thoughts. Fuck, what if she says no? Is this too soon?

You light a cigarette as you slide into the driver's side of your car. Steve climbs in and looks over at you, taking in your worried expression. "She's gonna love it, Billy." he reassures you again. This dude is too fucking nice. It's kinda hard to hate him.

You sit frozen in your seat, your hand rubbing the steering wheel. "I've never seen her so in love.. in case you were wondering." Steve adds.

"I wasn't." you start the car but remain sitting in the parking lot. "Fuck." you shout and Steve's eyes widen.

"What if she says no? Am I even good enough for her?" you blurt out, all of your internal thoughts coming to the surface. Steve's eyes soften and he takes a moment before he responds.

"She loves you. And you love her. Nobody's perfect.. but you make her happy. Really happy. And Johnny loves you, too." Steve says slowly.

"He does, doesn't he?" you chuckle lightly. "I really do love her, Steve." You're not sure why but you want him to know. You almost want his approval. He's a good guy. Am I? I'm trying my best to be.

"Come on, Romeo. Your lady awaits." Steve says and you cock an eyebrow at him.

"Too much?" he asks.

"Too much." you say but you give him a smile before peeling out of the lot.

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