A Big Step

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You woke up with Billy's arm slung over you. You snuggled in close and listened to his heart beating. Yesterday was rough. Seeing him so angry, he had completely lost control. But you understood why. You might not have known his whole story yet but you knew his dad deserved every one of those punches. You were just worried about how that would affect Billy.

Johnny came running in and jumped on the bed. "Good morning!" he sang. "Good morning, Johnny." you grabbed him and started tickling him. Billy sat up rubbing his eyes. "Fuck, my head hurts." he grumbled. "Hi Billy!" Johnny grinned at him. "Hey, little man." he gave him a small smile in return. "You want some coffee, babe?" you asked leaning over and kissing him. "Mhmm.. please." he said against your lips.

"Blegh."  Johnny said sticking his tongue out. You laughed at him. "Okay, let's go buddy." you stood by the bed and Johnny jumped into your arms. Billy gave your ass a smack as you turned to walk out of the room. You put on the coffee and made some pancakes. Johnny disappeared into his room. Billy walked out a few minutes later in just his jeans. Yummyy. Your eyes looked him up and down slowly.

He smirked at you and walked over. "Like what you see?" he said leaning close. "You know I do." you said hooking your fingers in his belt loops pulling him closer. His lips met yours gently. "You doing okay?" you said pulling away slightly. "I'm fine." he said bluntly, turning to grab a cup of coffee. "You can talk to me." you pressed on. "I'm fine, y/n. Just a little sore." he said touching the cut on his face. His knuckles were bruised and his eye too.

You heard a crash coming from down the hall. Johnny. You ran to his room. His drawers were pulled out of his dresser and all of his toys were pushed to one side of the room. "What on earth are you doing?" you said confused. "Billy's dad isn't nice. So he can stay with us. He can have this side." Johnny said gesturing to the side of the room he had cleared. Oh my god. "And I don't really need all these drawers, we can share." he continued.

"Johnny, sweetie. Come here." you sat on the floor and he crawled into your lap. You looked behind you and saw Billy standing there. His eyes watering. "You two have to stop making me fucking cry." he mumbled walking away. "Is... is he mad?" Johnny said. "No, buddy. He's not mad. This was so sweet. But this is your room, your space. No one's taking that from you." you said.

"What about your room?" Johnny said looking up at you. You smiled at him. "I'll talk to him, okay? Let's get this cleaned up." you helped put everything back in it's place and brought Johnny out to eat his breakfast. Billy stood on the porch smoking a cigarette. You walked out to join him. "He has a point, Billy." you said looking over at him. Billy raised an eyebrow at you. "You.. you could stay here." you continued.

"That's a big step, y/n." he said avoiding your eyes. "My whole life has moved faster than normal. I've basically been grown since I was born. I love you, Billy. And I would love for you to be here.. all the time. If you wanted to be." you reached over grabbing his hand. He looked at you, his face unreadable. He swallowed hard. "What if I mess this up? I've never lived with anyone before." he said his jaw clenching.

"Me either. But I think it's worth a shot." you said sweetly. He smiled. "Yeah.. fuck it." he kissed you hard. "I love you too, by the way." he said as his arm snaked around your waist and he pushed you against the door. "Are you sure?" he said his face inches from yours. You nodded. "I've never been more sure." you said.

He kissed you again, his tongue entering your mouth gently. You wrapped your arms around his neck holding him close as he pressed you against the door. Your tongues intertwined as you clung to each other. He pulled away after a minute and you stood there breathless. "Does this mean we get to have sex everyday?" he said smirking. "Every fucking day." you grinned.

A few hours later you dropped Johnny off with Robin and headed to Billy's house. He seemed nervous, tapping his fingers on his knees. "You think he's there?" you asked. "Don't know." he said shortly. You pulled into the driveway, there were no other cars. He jumped out and headed up the steps. You followed behind him. You had asked Steve to bring some boxes from the video store and meet you over here. He wasn't happy about it but he said he would.

You walked inside the house, it was quiet. Billy headed for his room and started grabbing clothes from his closet and throwing them on the bed. He was moving quickly. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." you said as you helped him gather his stuff together. "Anyone home?" you heard Steve's voice. "In here!" you yelled back. He came in carrying some boxes. He stood there awkwardly and you nudged Billy in the ribs.

"Uh.. thanks man." he said gruffly. "Yeah.. no problem." Steve said setting the boxes down. "Look, I'm sorry if I was a dick before.. in school." Billy went on. Steve nodded. "Water under the bridge." he said. You smiled. "Look at my boys getting along." you chirped. Billy scrunched his face up and Steve laughed. "Calm down, y/n. We're not best friends." Steve said in a playful tone.

You all worked together packing up his things. Steve picked up a box of magazines flipping through them. His eyebrows shot up. He grinned and held the porno magazine up for you to see. "Put it down ya perve." you said laughing. Billy grabbed the magazine and shoved it back in the box. "I guess that's it." he said looking around the room. You saw a few holes in the wall. You weren't sure if they were from Billy or his dad, probably both.

You loaded what you could fit in your car, the rest went in Billy's and Steve's. "Really, thanks for this." Billy said to Steve holding out his hand. Steve took it and gave it a firm shake. "It's no problem." he said heading to his car. "I'll meet you guys over there." he said waving out of the window. Billy stood looking at the house for a second. He jogged up the steps and came back out with a few packs of beer. "I'm gone, motherfucker." he yelled before coming to kiss you. He grinned at you. "I'll see you at home." you said smiling up at him. "Home." he repeated.

You got everything unloaded and Steve hung out for a while. Robin said Johnny had passed out so she said he could stay over there tonight. You said your goodbyes to Steve and headed into your room. You sat on the bed messing with one of the boxes. You pulled out a tape and smirked. "Oh, shit.. I can throw those away." Billy said.

SMUT ⚠️:

"Orrr.. we could watch it." you said raising an eyebrow at him. "Like.. together?" he said. "Mhmm." you stood up and walked over to your VCR player popping it in. "Fuck." he said. You laid back on the bed slipping off your underwear. Billy's eyes roamed your body. He came to lay next to you. You watched the screen as a beautiful woman appeared. She was sleeping, a blanket spread across her, her ass peeking out.

You continued watching as a man came in and slipped under the blanket with her. The man's hands started roaming her body and she moaned in her sleep. Billy looked over at you and you slipped your hand into your pussy just a bit. He exhaled sharply looking at you then back at the screen. Billy unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down. You saw his member standing erect.

Mmm, he's so big. You bit your lip as you watched him start to stroke his cock slowly. You watched the man on the screen start to go down on the woman and you sped up your fingers slightly. You heard her moans and it turned you on even more. Your eyes darted back over to Billy and you saw he was already looking at you, his hands moving faster on his cock.

You wanted him. "I... I just wanna fuck you." he growled. You quickly moved to straddle his lap and lowered yourself onto him, crying out as he filled you. "God, baby." he moaned as you moved your hips quickly, grinding on his cock. Your moans mixed with moans of the couple on the screen as you continued riding him. You moved your hips in a circle feeling him stretch you out. "Ohh my god." you moaned as you began bouncing on his cock.

"Just like that, baby. Fuck that feels so good." he said throwing his head back. Your hands rested on his chest as you continued at the same pace. You watched his face full of pleasure. "I'm.. I'm gonna cum." he hissed. You gave him all you had, your nails digging into his chest. You screamed out his name as you came together. You leaned down and grabbed his chin kissing him deeply.

"You are so fucking sexy." he said as you rolled off of him. You smiled feeling completely satisfied. You looked up seeing the couple on the screen going at it. Billy chuckled as he got up to turn it off. "Come back here." you said holding out your arms. He climbed in bed and held you close. "I love you." he said kissing your neck. "I love you, roomie." you grinned.

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