Last Words

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You woke up with a massive headache. You had actually had an amazing time at the party with Billy last night but you had definitely drank too much. You groaned at the sun peeking through the window. "I got it, baby." Billy said sliding out of bed to draw the curtains shut. "Thank you." you said sweetly. He climbed back in bed and pulled you close to him. "How ya feeling?" he said his chin resting on the top of your head.

"Mm.. I've been better." you chuckled lightly. "I'll make us some coffee." he said. "Not yet." you said squeezing him tightly. "Lay with me, handsome." you looked up into his eyes. He smirked at you and kissed your lips softly. "Okay, baby." he said. His voice alone made you melt. You smiled at him and snuggled back into his chest. "Mmm.. you smell good." you purred. He pulled you on top of him quickly. "You're full of compliments this morning. What do you want?" he joked.

You were now straddling his waist. You leaned over him, your hair falling around his face. "Just you." you said leaning down to kiss his lips. His strong hands ran up your thighs stopping at the top to give them a squeeze. "Any time, any place." he said huskily. You kissed him again rougher this time when you heard a loud knock on the front door. "It's like 7 am." you said groaning. "This happens to us way too often." Billy said laughing.

You got up and threw on your robe walking to the front door. There was a police officer standing there. Oh shit, this must be about Neil. "How can I help you officer?" you said smiling. "Are you Ms. Y/l/n?" the officer asked. "Depends who's asking." you joked. "Ma'am, this is a serious matter." he said. "Sorry, yes. That's me." you said. "What is this about?" you questioned. "Do you know this woman?" the officer held up a picture of your mother. She's got herself arrested again.

"Look I don't have bail money right now. Tell her that when you see her." you went to shut the door but he stopped you. "Ma'am. We found your mother this morning. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this." he paused. You stared at him. No. "She passed away last night." he said softly. "What? No... I.. what?" you said. You couldn't think straight. Your mind was going a million miles a minute. "How?" you whispered. You already knew the answer. "We found a large amount of heroin in her system." the cop said. "I'm so sorry."

You swallowed hard and nodded. "Do.. do you need anything else?" you said, your face pale. "We will need someone to come and identify the body... doesn't have to be right now, just before the day is over." he said. "Okay. I'll be there. Thank you." you walked inside shutting the door. Billy stood in the doorway of your room. "Who was it, babe?" he said. He looked at your face. "Hey.. hey what's wrong?" he said quickly walking over to you. You stood there frozen. You didn't know how to feel. You were in shock.

You sat on the couch staring into space after telling Billy what happened. Billy sat beside you holding your hand. "What can I do?" he said softly. You shook your head. "Nothing. I'm fine." you said. "Johnny.. um Johnny has school." you said standing up. "Let me get him ready." Billy said kissing your forehead. You nodded and sat back down on the couch. I'll have to tell him. Not now. Let him have one more day of innocence. Billy got Johnny ready and fixed him breakfast.

Max came out and walked over to you. "Hey, y/n! Did y'all have fun last night?" she said smiling. You forced a smile back. "Yeah.. yeah we did." you said. "Uh.. Max can you come help me?" Billy said from the kitchen. "Sure." she said walking over to him. You heard little footsteps as Johnny ran around the table and over to you. "Bye, sissy!" he said squeezing you. "Bye, buddy. I love you." you said squeezing him back. "Love you too!" he chirped before running back over to Billy and Max.

Max walked him to the bus stop and Billy came back to you. "I guess we need to go." you said with no emotion. "I'm here, y/n." Billy said grabbing ahold of your hand once more. "Thanks Billy." you said. The two of you got ready and drove to the morgue. Billy held your hand as you walked inside. You stood behind the glass and watched as they uncovered the white sheet from her face. I'm gonna be sick. "That's her." you said blankly. "Baby?" Billy said. "Let's go." you said walking out of the room.

Billy followed you to the car. "Baby.." he said. "Billy stop. Please." you said climbing in the passenger seat. He got in the car and you rode to the house in silence. You paced across your living room for what seemed like forever. Billy sat on the couch watching you. "Do you know what my last words were to her?" you said finally. Billy shook his head. "You're a piece of shit. And she said 'fuck you'." you said laughing. "Babe.." Billy started. "That about sums it up. Her and I." you said shaking your head still laughing.

"You know what I need? Some wine. Where's the wine?" you said heading into the kitchen. Billy stood up following you. "Honey.." he said. You turned to him. "Billy. I. Am. Fine." you said looking him in his eyes. "I'm fine." you shrugged and turned back to grab a wine glass. You poured yourself a glass and offered one to Billy. He shook his head. You took your wine and sat on the porch smoking a cigarette. Billy didn't follow you out immediately but came out a few minutes later.

He sat next to you and lit a cigarette himself. A few minutes passed and you saw Robin's car pulling up. You looked over at Billy and he shrugged lightly. "I thought maybe you'd talk to her." he said standing up. "I love you." he kissed you and walked inside. "Hey bestie." Robin said coming to sit beside you. "Hey." you said leaning your head on her shoulder. "You okay?" she said. You nodded. "I'm fine. Like I told Billy." you said. "Okay.. but I'm here." she said leaning her head on top of yours.

The two of you sat like that for a while. She knew you didn't want to talk but she was there and that meant the world to you. You chain smoked cigarette after cigarette. You watched as the bus pulled up to the corner. You watched the kids unload. Where was Johnny? You jumped up and ran over. You caught the driver just as he was about to pull off. "Johnny Y/l/n? Where is he?" you climbed on the bus looking through the seats. No Johnny.

"A cop picked him up from school today." one of the boys from down the street said. "What? Why?" you said. The kid shrugged. Your heart was pounding as you got off the bus. What the fuck? Robin and Billy were waiting for you. "Take me to the police station. Now." you said. You climbed in Billy's car and Robin jumped in the backseat. "Faster, Billy." you said your leg shaking at an insane pace. You were panicking. Why would they pick him up? Where did they take him?

You jumped out of the car as soon as Billy pulled up to the station. You ran inside. "Where is he?" you said to the lady at the front desk. "Who, sweetheart?" she said. "My brother. Johnny Y/l/n? Where is he?" you said louder. "You need to calm down.." she started. "My mom just died and my baby brother didn't get off the bus and someone tells me the police picked him up. Do not tell me to fucking calm down!" you shouted. "Y/n?" you heard Hopper's voice.

You'd known Hopper for a long time. With your mom being who she was and it being such a small town Hopper knew your situation. He was always very kind to you and Johnny. "Where is he, Hopper?" you said. "I didn't know they were gonna take him from school." he said. "Where. Is. He?" you said your eyes filling with tears. "Come, sit." he said calmly. "I don't want to sit. I want you to tell me where my brother is." you said lighting a cigarette. "Y/n.. I'm sorry. It's the law." Hopper said.

"What is?" you said, your voice shaky. "With your mom dying and him being a minor.. he has to be placed with his other parent." Hopper said slowly. "No... no. He doesn't even know him!" you shouted. Tears streamed down your face. "All he knows is me! Tom is a piece of shit drunk. You and I both know it." you screamed at Hopper. "I'm sorry. We can work on a way to get him back to you. I promise I will do everything I can to help you but... it's the law, y/n." he said. "Fuck you!" you spit before turning around.

You saw Robin standing there, tears flooded her face. Billy stared at you, his eyes misty. "Y/n.." he whispered. You pushed past him, your tears falling. You didn't speak the whole way home. You saw Steve's car in your driveway. You got out and he ran to you. "They took him, Steve. They took Johnny." you sobbed into Steve's chest. He held you close as your body shook. "It's gonna be okay. We'll get him back." he soothed. Billy watched as you fell apart in Steve's arms. "We won't stop until we get him back." Steve said kissing the top of your head. This can't be happening.

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