Nine || Brylan

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Taking a deep breath, I turn my head so I'm looking out the window. The snow hit pretty bad outside so the ground is completely covered. Maybe if you're lucky you may find a clear spot. Nah, probably not. I didn't want to go out at all actually but Katie told me that I can't be in my room for the whole Winter break. Telling her I didn't mind, she just said she'd be over in five minutes to pick me up. Turning her down I told her that I'd just come to her. I'd rather be the one behind the wheel.

'Hey,' my whole body jerks when she opens the passenger door.

'Jesus.' I rub my face.

'All I did was open the door?' She laughs so I force a smile. She truly didn't even do anything. 'Are you okay? You've been skittish all week?'

'A girl everyone wants Damon to be with at UCLA, told me that I apparently don't exist to them,' I don't waste a second to let her know. It's not worth hiding anyways, it's been eating at me.

'What?' She sits down before closing the door behind her. Starting the car almost immediately, I need to distract myself from thinking too hard on it.

'A girl everyone assumes is Damon's university girlfriend told me she didn't know who I was—' I try to explain but she stops me.

'No I heard you. I'm just a little shocked.' She crosses her arms. 'I knew you guys weren't exactly on good speaking terms but that seriously fucked. Do you want me to talk to him?'

Pulling out of the driveway, I shake my head at her offer before pausing. 'What do you mean you knew?' I didn't exactly tell her why I've been upset until now. I'd kept it to myself since I felt I was overreacting so I was giving myself time to think.

'When I asked if he's been hanging out with you lately he got tense and asked like a hundred questions about you.' She explains. 'All of the questions where phrased as if he hasn't been talking to you recently since he could've directly ask almost all of them to you but he seemed hesitant with the idea of it. Some were s simple as how is she?'

Not speaking, I don't really know what to say. I feel like I should just talk to him. I have been skittish so I freak out whenever I have to face him. Honestly it was pretty valid for me to get upset but I need to just talk to him about what was going on. He doesn't know what she said and maybe he can even give an explanation on why he didn't tell her who I was.

That and I also feel bad for accusing him of only using me in the shower. He tried to show that he was thinking of me and how he genuinely cares for me afterwards, and I ignored it. I shouldn't forget how we even got together in the first place. He wanted me first, not vise versa, yet I went and told him that he was using me for sex and I feel terrible for it. I feel terrible about a lot of things.

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