Thirty-nine || Damon

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Gently knocking against Sasha's bedroom door, I've been standing in the hallway for much longer then I feel like I should be

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Gently knocking against Sasha's bedroom door, I've been standing in the hallway for much longer then I feel like I should be. If I bump into anyone besides Brylan and her sister, I'll most likely get into shit that I won't want to get into. Not that I would care but it would be such an inconvenience.

Wanting them to like me seems like such a deranged desire now that I've even how they speak to Brylan. I can't believe I used to want a relationship with someone who could say something like that to their own child. The fact that it didn't hurt her nearly as much as I feel like it should've only pisses me off. I don't like how it's normal for her to face words like that on the daily. It isn't fair on her. She's already got enough on her plate so her family should be the one thing she enjoys being around but it's clearly not.

Gently pushing the door open when I don't get a response I frown when I see Sasha on her bed. She's sat across it with a notebook she seems to be drawing in. Bringing her attention to me, she watches as I close the door behind my back. Failing to greet me with the usual overexcitement I'm used too, she looks back down to her notebook before flipping the page. Acting as if I'm just another inconvenience to her she continues on with what she was doing.

'I understand not knowing it was me at the door but ouch,' I step over to her before dropping down next to the side of the bed so I'm on my knees on the floor. This way I can look at her head on instead of looking down at her. 'I haven't seen you in months and you chose to act like I'm not even here?'

'I knew it was you because you said my name the first time you knocked,' She drags her pen down the page without purpose. 'You have a distinct voice. It's very deep.'

'Okay, I get that,' I lean my arms on the bed which seems to make her a little uncomfortable. More in the sense that she'd prefer if I just left, I doubt she feels as if she's in danger. 'What's happening? I thought you were my number one fan Sash? I'm yours but I feel like you're leaving me hanging,'

Dropping her pen she looks over to me with so much hatred that I can't help but frown. I don't know why I care so much about what she thinks of me but I really do. It would just be nice if she just explained to me why she didn't like me anymore. She's the only kid I give a shit about.

Her anger falters when she keeps eye contact so she resorts to drawing more pointless lines in her book so she can avoid me.

'Damon. Why does Brylan hate me.' What? Ducking my head so I can look at her face she seems so visibly distressed as if she'll start crying any second now. Climbing onto the bed I innocently wrap my arms around her waist. I don't know where she got that ideology from but her sister doesn't hate her.

'She never has.' I comfort her and thankfully she leans into my hug.

'When she started dating you she started talking to me less and less. Now she doesn't even want to be in the same room as me for too long. If I sit next to her she'll get up and leave.' Pulling away from me as if it's occurred to her what she's doing, she moves away and I don't follow her. I respect her personal space. 'We used to spend hours talking to eachother but now we barely hold a conversation for a few seconds because she's too busy talking to you. I feel like there's something wrong with me,'

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