Forty-three || Brylan

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Yawning I rub my eye with my fist. Jesus. Did I sleep? Fixing my seat so it's not reclined so far back, I sit upright so I can look out the window. Frowning to see that we're still on the road, I turn my head to Damon who has his elbow rested on the car door and his cheek on his fist. Lifting off when he notices me staring he raises his eyebrows. 'How'd you sleep?'

'Shit.' I rub my face. Today was longer than I expected it to be. We were supposed to board the plane at nine am but it got disgustingly delayed to one in the afternoon. It was a mess since so many people had interconnecting flights so they would miss their next flight. The airline had to compensate so many tickets but they had to talk to other airlines since they didn't have the power to do that with another company. All because the pilot didn't bring the right papers. He had to go back home and I wouldn't say he lived close at all.

'Today was rough, I know.' He nods. He's also a factor in it as well. We landed and I was under the impression that we were just going to the city since that's what he claimed he wanted to do. Nope, he changes his mind and decides he wants to go somewhere else. It's almost sunset so he wanted to go to the beach. I wouldn't mind the change since it seems like a cute idea but I'm tired and it's been almost two hours since we started driving. If it's any longer, we'll be on the road for another two to three hours just to get back. But I'm not going to complain. He doesn't get a of rest and I genuinely enjoy seeing how happy he is when he does get some time off. 'We're almost there I promise.'

Crossing my arms he reaches his hand over to tap my thigh I turn my head towards him. 'Why is it taking so long?' I swear they where closed beaches to where we'd be staying. Zipping my hoodie all the way up. He suggested I grabbed a jacket when I opted to just going with my swimsuit and towel. Claiming it was a bit away I didn't assume he meant this far. It's a little more than a bit away.

'Because I wanted to go here. Is it too far?' He frowns. 'I'll pick somewhere closer next time but I wanted to go here when I saw photos of it online. Don't be mad...we're pretty much here,'

'I'm not mad at you.' I nudge his shoulder when I feel like he misunderstood my question. I just genuinely wanted to know why. I barely get upset with him, even when I do it wears off pretty fast when he so much as furrows his eyebrows at me. I can't handle whenever he shows me any signs of being hurt or upset by something I did. 'I'm just tired that's all, if you want to go here then I want to go too. It doesn't matter if it's ten hours away,'

Reaching his hand over to my seat he rests it on my upper thigh. Besides his obvious love for touch, I'd argue that he's a sucker for quality time. He's grown this love for going places with me or even just being in the same room. At times he'd drag a chair and ask me questions on my assignments and things when I'm studying, even if he doesn't actually give a shit. He just wants an excuse to share the same space as me. When he runs out of pointless questions he ops to just laying his head on the desk and watching me do my course work until I'm done. Doesn't matter if I'm there for hours, he'll stay for every second of it.

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