Chapter 5

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Melissa pov:
*The next day*
As I was drawing her, I felt my face getting hot. I quickly drank some water but my face was still hot.
"Hey are you okay? Your face is red." Taniya aksed.
Wait was I blushing? I then looked at my drawing I nearly finished yesterday and started day dreaming.
I felt my heart racing.
"Mellisa!" The teacher yelled.
"Uh sorry-!" I said while getting back into reality. I then thought about how my heart was racing and how my face was red when I was thinking of her.
"Hold on-" I whispered to myself.
"Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked as I raised my hand.
"Yes." She replied as I ran off.
Once in the bathroom, I sat down, leaning against the wall.
Was I really inlove?
It's not like she'd return the feeling I mean she is known by everyone and she's sooo fucking beautiful and cool.
I only met her once, how could I fall inlove?
How could I of fell in love with Butterflina?
I saw Taniya open the bathrooms door. She looked around and saw me.
Taniya pov:
I made sure yhe coast was clear, but saw Melissa sitting down.
"A-are you okay?" I nervously asked as I put my hand out. She then grabbed my hand and got up.
"Uh yeah I'm fine!" She replied as she opened the door.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah I just uh- Needed a break from class!"
"Well okay then.." I stuttered before she left.
"Admit it already!" My kwami said as he flew out my bag.
"Admit what?"
"You have a crush on her!"
"...No I don't!" I didn't look him in the eye.
"I ship it!" He said as he flew around me and onto my shoulders.
"S-shut up!"
"Uh sorry forgot about the spell!" I said while cliking my fingers.
"You can tell me I'm your kwani after all!"
"Nooroo, dark wings rise." I said slightly anoyyed yet embarrassed.
"I guess I should just go on parole." I told myself.
I got up and opened the squeaking window and jumped out. I just wondered around aimlessly looking for somthing to do. After a few minutes had passed by, I stilled did nothing but pose for pictures. As I kept wondering around, I saw Melissa, Who was right in front of me.
"U-uh hi B-butterflina!" She greeted.
"H-hi!" I stuttered with a nervous tone.
Melissa pov:
I needed to say somthing or it would be awkward.
"Uh c-can I have an a-autograph p-please?" I nervously asked.
"Sure!" She replied confidently,putting her hands on her hips, ahh she's so cool.
After we took a picture, I desperately looked for something to sign.
I desperately wanted to have her sign something. As I looked down, I saw my phone case on my phone and decided to take the case off.
"H-here." I said as I blushed and handed her the phone case. She signed it with her name in neat handwriting and a heart!
"T-thanks-!" I mumbled.
"You're welcome." She said whilst she tucked her perfect hair behind her ear. (In reality Butterflina was obviously a bit nervous during this conversation)
I smilled warmly as she left.
Butterflina pov:
I clutched my chest as I thought about what just happened. I strolled and hid behind a bilding and detransformed.
"Okay just admit it!" He said with a smirk on his face.
"Again just shut up please-"
"Come on it's sooo obvious!"
"Just hid!" I said before I went out of my hiding spot.
I just strolled home, but before I could reach my house, I saw ladybug and Chat noir running.
I quickly ran behind the same building and transformed.
I ran after ladybug and Chatnoir until I reached up to them.
"Hi!" I greeted.
"AH- Oh it's just you-" Ladybug yelped,  "Butterflina please stop apperearing out of nowhere!"
"Sorry ladybug, I don't mean to but it's  useful skill to have so I can sneakily hide to see you and Chat noir obviously be inlove-"
"We . are . not . in . love!" She lectured but I just rolled my eyes.
"So, who are we chasing anyways?"
"Mayura as we defeated her senti-monster."
"Ugh! Why am I always late to the party!" I groaned to myslef.
I looked down and saw four shadows. I listened closely to my surroundings and heard foot steps behind us. I quickly grabbed my cane, that was tighed around my waist, and swung it as I turned my body 360.
"What the h-" Mayura said in surprising tone before getting wacked with my cane.
Ladybug and Chat noir quickly turned around to see Mayura grunting as she tried to get up.
Ladybug swung her yoyo at Mayua's waist leaving her tangled up.
I headed to get her miraculous but she
put her head as down as she could to protect it. While all this happened, she managed to make a sentmonster.
"Oh come one!" I said.
"Senti monster, chase them!" She ordered with a mischievous grin.
Me, Chat noir and ladybug ran off.
I turned around swinging my cane at the senti monster leading it to crash onto the concrete ground.
"Butterflina, what are you doing?" Ladybug asked as I ran off. I ran to where Mayura was to capture her miraculous but she was gone, no where to be seen.
"Uh well okay then."
"Guys Mayura is gone!" I yelled as they came over.
"Well I guess the fights over." I said.
We then all ran into different directions and de transformed.
"Well uh I guess the fights over then."
"I guess Nooroo."
Ladybug then came to me.
"Butterflina, your the only trust worthy person who I can give my miraculous to."
"What are you talking about?"
"I have to go to spain for a week, and this is the only time also you will hold onto the miracle box until I come back." A soon as she said all that, I squeled In excitement.
"Yes finally! I can't belive I'll take care of all the kwamis well except the chat noirs kwami, the peacock kwamis and the missing rooster miraculous."
"Nooroo dark wings rise." I whispered.
"Yes, anyways close your eyes." She instructed. I then closed my eyes and felt somthing being places on to my hands. I waited a few seconds before openning them to see ladybugs earings and the miricale box on the floor.
Editors note: thanks for reading and thanks for voting on chapter 1/meeting eachother! 1097 words.

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