1. The return

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The three months are finally over. I got 17 on January 28th. Texted Sao a happy birthday on the 27th. Gave a thought to my parents on Febuary 17th. The end of the school year in the United States was easy. I passed all the exams, getting a 100% on each of them. Had a thought about the competition between Tooru and I when I was in Japan, about who got the higher grades. It made me sad. On the other hand, Volleyball was really present. I had a practice almost every day. I wasn't overworking my self since I had a broken ankle just a few weeks ago. But it started healing. I was happy to hear that, even though the doctor who told me that, also told me I might never heal completely and that I should not do Volleyball for a long period of time. I continued going to practice with the girls, who were kind, but I wasn't really practicing on skills I wanted to improve on, since it would have required to jump and hurt my ankle even more. So yeah, I'm kinda glad it ended even though I liked it a lot, but now, I can go back home, like I promised three months ago and finally see everyone again. And this time, I hope nothing bad happens that I'm obliged to run away again. I hope... that it all happens perfectly... that life gives me what I want.

"We are arriving in Tokyo, please buckle your seat belt, we are going to land."

And then she repeated it in Japanese. I did what she told us to do and waited patiently that the plane would land. It was 7 am. I had waken up early, if I even slept. But I was finally home. Tired! But home. When it was time for me to get off, I had to take the train to get home because apparently, Aoba Johsai is in a practice match against Karasuno later today, and my uncle couldn't pick me up, so I had to find a way to get home and then I decided I would surprise everyone. I was actually supposed to take a plane between the end of the school year and the beginning of the new one, but it got delayed because of some sort of accident. Apparently, there were too many people on this flight and they didn't count right the first time, so I was the one to get delayed.

"I'm really sorry, Y/n, if it would have been earlier this week, I would have came to take you home" my uncle said to me on the other side of the phone.

"It's okay, uncle, I don't blame you and it's an excellent way to surprise everyone. I can't wait to see them. How are they doing? I didn't really have the time to text them since I had a busy schedule other than Sao on his birthday."

"Iwaizumi's doing perfectly, Oikawa is his usual self but he sprained his ankle so he will arrive later today to the practice match. Also, these two made a new friend that I don't particularly like, if you want my opinion. She's not good news, if you want my advice. But she seems to enjoy her time with them. Also, your other bestfriend made a girlfriend. She's nice."

"Sao made a girfriend?" I asked then started laughing histerically. "What's happened to this boy? Did he mature or something? I thought I was the only girl who was able to endure him."

"Apparently, no, but it's still really nice to see him like that."

"Is there any new members on the team?"

"Yeah. Two promising first years."

"Nice to hear that. Anyway, I gotta go, my train's waiting for me."

"Okay, see you later."

"See you later" I whispered, hanging up the phone.

My train was still pretty far on its way here, but I didn't care. To hear that Oikawa and Iwaizumi made a new friend... made me feel replaced.


Approximately 7 hours later

I was arriving to Miyagi station in a few minutes and then, I would be only a few minutes away from home. So I took the bus and got there rapidly. I took out my key and entered the house. Nothing had changed. What did I expect, anyway? I've been gone only for three months, not three years.

"Oh, you're back, sis" Julio greeted me with enthusiasm. (sarcasm)

I smiled seeing him.

"Hi, Julio"

"Don't give me a creepy smile like that, please, it's not... nice to look at"

"Are you entering your teenage phase, little bird?" I asked, finding his attitude weird.

"No, I'm just mad everything got bad between your boyfriend and you and I learnt it just a few weeks ago and that's why you went to the United States. You deserve my angerness."

"Sorry if I had even more complicated things going on in my life, little brother. It was hard on my mind."

"And you're gonna tell me that everything's okay now?"

"I guess..."

"No. You learned that Oikawa made a new friend and you're jealous."

"How the-"

"I have eyes, I can see"

"Is she beautiful?"

"Brown straight hair that goes to the middle of her back. I don't know the color of her eyes, since I was pretty far away from them. But Oikawa seems to not give a shit about her, honestly. They are just friends. She, sometimes, seems to try and approach him or something. He is visibly backing off everytime. He doesn't see her as a love interest."

"Thanks, Julio, you don't know how you're saving my life, right now." I thanked him and ran toward my room, getting passed him.

"You're welcome... I guess"

I went to my bedroom, left all my things there and went back to the hall.

"See you later, little bro!"

"Bye bye, big sis!" he screamed from the kitchen.

I opened the door, went out of the house and closed it behind me. I started walking toward the school, a smile on my face, way too happy to be here. Honestly, I'm a little nervous... for Oikawa... and a little scared to see his and Iwaizumi's new friend. I didn't like it. But I tried to forget it, since Julio told me it was no big deal. And I wanted to believe him, so that's why I believe him. And then, I thought... and remembered... Sao has a girlfriend. I'm so happy for him. Literally, his actual happiness is the reason of my actual happiness. I can't wait to meet her. But I'm scared. Yeah, again. Is she gonna like me? Or are there gonna be really big fights between us? Is she gonna ruin my friendship with Sao? Or are we gonna be best friends? Don't ask me why I'm overthinking, I don't even know why it could be possible. I mean, there's no reason for his girlfriend to be jealous, since Sao and I have never been attracted romantically, nor sexually toward each other, only feeling like we're brother and sister with a day separating each other's birth. But that isn't the matter right now, I'm just babbling random things in my head to keep me occupied for the rest of the way. I guess...

And then, finally my eyes landed on the school gate and I turned the corner to enter the school perimeter. And I stopped... because right in front of me there was everyone. But when I say everyone, I mean Sao, Iwaizumi, Oikawa and two girls I don't know.

"Hi guys, I'm back!" I greeted them, giving them a big smile.

"I'll always wait for you" (Oikawa x Fem!reader) Sequel to "My First Love"Where stories live. Discover now