47. Going back

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"As always, our best player of all Japan is still fired up in her last games that took place this weekend. We wanted nothing more and nothing less from her. Took her team to the win. We're proud of our team."

"And she is only 23 years old. She is really young ang yet super talented."

"Let me remind you that she started her professional career at 18! To think she could have played with her parents if they weren't gone."

"I'm pretty sure they would have retired by now, Namada-san."

I turn down the volume from the little radio I have beside me, looking up again to the ocean in front of me. I just came back in Miyagi Prefecture. We're May 10th, after all. We promised we would meet at a restaurant in five years, five years ago. It's 10h30, I still have time before I have to get to the restaurant. Tooru's already there, reserving a table for all of us.

I actually came here because I had hope I would see Ena and Irana before, but I'm completely alone. Until I hear footsteps and talking behind me. I turn my head.

"See! I told you she would be here!" Ena complains.

"Y/n!" Irana cries, running to me.

I stand up, welcoming them both into my arms.

"We have seen you a lot on TV, but it doesn't compare to seeing you in real life! We missed you!" Irana cries again.

I smile.

"I missed you, too, Irana, Ena." I take my seat back on the rock I was sitting on, the little radio beside me.

"How's it been these last five years?" Ena asks.

"I'd rather save the sharing for when we're all together. Wouldn't like Sao and Hajime to know later."

"Then, how about between Oikawa and you? You can at least reassure us on this matter."

I chuckle, then lift my left hand up in the air.

"I still have my ring. We have been married for two years, now. Time flies so fast."


"And what about you two. Did you find someone?"

"Actually, yes." Ena says.

"Who?" I ask, teasing her.

She puts her finger to her mouth.

"I'll share at the table."

Irana giggles, before turning to look at me.

"Still pretty much single, but I'm not complaining. Acting's my whole life. But I'm talking to someone."

"I'm happy for you, then."

"Should we get to the restaurant. It's soon 11." Ena cuts through the conversation.

"Yes." I say in a hurry, standing up.

They start walking and I follow them, taking the little radio with me.

"You came with a car?" I ask.

"Yes, fortunately." Ena answers.

We take a little ride and a few minutes later, we've arrived at destination. I unbuckle my seat and get out of the car, as Ena and Irana do too. We enter the restaurant and search for our friends. I catch glance of the three boys, waiting for us. We walk toward them, stopping in front of the table. I sit beside Tooru, as Irana take a place beside me. Ena takes places beside Hajime.

"Hi, guys." I greet them. "It's been long."

"For some of us, in fact." Hajime agrees.

I frown.

"I'll always wait for you" (Oikawa x Fem!reader) Sequel to "My First Love"Where stories live. Discover now