26. Ena's past

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I wake up this morning with the unfortunate thought of going to school, but I remember the important conversation I need to have with Ena, so I jump out of bed, running to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

"You're early this morning. Usually, you're exactly on time" my uncle greets me when I get out of the bathroom.

"Important business today, I can't allow myself to be late!"

"So I guess you-"

"Sorry, I can't eat at home today, I'm just grabbing something!"

I said, grabbing a croissant before rushing to the hall.

"Yep, that's what I thought.."

I put on my shoes and went out the house, closing the door in a loud thud. I'm pretty sure my uncle jumped but I'm gonna apologize later. I arrive at Ena's house right when she opens the door, so instantly, not waiting for my presence to be bothersome in her morning walk to school, she jumped.

"Dear! Y/n, what brought you here? It would have been Irana's kind of thing to do, not yours!" she screamed, surprised.

"I wanted to talk to you since I didn't have the time to this summer because I had other things to think about"

She frowned, slowly realizing what I was talking about.

"You mean, you got out of it?" she asked, hope filling her eyes.

"Mmh-mmh!" I answered with a big smile on my face.

She jumped in my arms, looking more happy than I have ever been about it.

"Oh my God, I'm so happy for you, Y/n!"

"Thank you, Ena, but that's not the reason why I'm here this morning" I confessed, taking a step away from her.

"What did you want to talk about?" she asked, a little bit worried but the excited smile still there.

"We should walk before we're late"

"Yeah, good idea"

I walked to the street, waiting for her to lock her door, joining me. We then started walking to the school.

"Do you remember when you gave me the talk about Tooru's feelings and mine? You talked about yourself, telling me you understood what you saw, because you lived it, you went through something similar, but the way you were talking, you went through pain and hell"

I could say by now, the happiness she had for me a few seconds ago all faded away. She sighed.

"You're not obliged to tell me about it if you don't want to, though"

"That's not it. I didn't realize you could remember it through the pain. I didn't know you were this type of person out of your depression. But I'm glad you are"

I gave her a reassuring smile.

"It was two years ago. I was fifteen at the moment, naïve and hungry for love. I was in a different school at that moment. I met a guy, he was so hot. He was in my school, as a third year. He was 18. He was popular and as every girl present in the school, I fell in love. Well, not like everyone, because he acknowledged me. He asked me for my number, but didn't ask for any other girl's. We started talking, calling. We were spending time with each other outside of school. He told me he liked me one day. We started going out after that, because obviously, I liked him too. I fell in love deeper and deeper as the days went by. Looking in the mirror, I saw I fell more and more every day. I thought then if we ever broke up, I would never get over it. And when I looked in his eyes, I thought I saw the same love I felt for him. But his eyes were only reflecting mine. We had sex, like, three months after going out. He took my virginity, I was trusting him with it. I shouldn't have. A week after we did it, I saw him with another girl. They were kissing at his locker. My heart broke in a million pieces at this moment. Our eyes met and he looked at me with eyes I didn't recognize. I didn't go to any of my classes that day. I cried in my bedroom, using all the tissues I could. My mother firstly got angry at me, bursting in my room and when she realized I was crying, she got worried. I told her the whole story. She canceled what she had that day and comforted me through my pain. And then, she announced something I never thought I would hear. She was selling the house, but we were moving in with her new husband not far away. I thought it would help me get over him. Irana begged her parents to change schools. They accepted, but even after all their efforts to bring my mood up, I only started to heal thanks to drama club. They were making me so happy. I never was that happy in middle school. I got the chance to be someone I wasn't. Even today, it's the only way for me to get over him. It still hurts me. He was my first love. I believed he would never hurt me like this, I believed I would be with him forever, like every naïve teenage girl of 15 years old would think of their first love. I never saw him since the time I caught him cheating on me right in front of my face. He was a fuck boy. I wished I could have warned the girl he cheated on me with, but I changed schools the other day. I'm still broken even today. I'm far away from being ready to fall in love again. It hurt me too much. But I'm glad that what I see in Oikawa's eyes is not false love. I'm glad I'm not warning you. I'm glad the love you see in your own eyes is not toxic.."

I was flabbergasted by her story. I was visibly not waiting for this. It broke my heart and it wasn't even my story.

"I'm sorry you had to go through this" I whispered.

"It's okay. It gave me a life lesson. And it helped me to understand a famous quote about love : "Love makes you blind" I guess it was true"

We arrived at school a few seconds later, and went our separate ways to our lockers. We took our things and walked to Homeroom class. When all the students arrived, the teacher made her way in.

"Okay, guys, shush, I've got an important thing to tell you"

The sound suddenly went down gradually and the teacher walked to her desk.

"As you certainly know it, everyone in here is a third year and as a third year, a special activity is organised for you. And that is... the School Trip!"

All class shouted their excitement as if they were waiting for it. But when Tooru's, Hajime's, Irana's, Ena's and Sao's head turned toward to look at each other as much as mine, we realized we had totally forgotten about that.

Yeah, I really need to remind myself that this year's mine.


(A/N) : I don't know how it came to my mind, but I immediately thought of School Trip for the next chapters. I wanted to find ideas and it appeared like that. I'm kinda lucky, because it's literally a necessity to have a School Trip on the last year of High School, as much as it is in Elementary School, or Middle School. It's like a tradition in Japan, so I'm glad I though of it. Anyway, I hope you're glad to know a little bit more about Ena's life and starting from next chapter, there will more Oikawaxreader stuff, I promise. See you on the next chapter :)

"I'll always wait for you" (Oikawa x Fem!reader) Sequel to "My First Love"Where stories live. Discover now