20. Iwaizumi and Y/n

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Third person POV

Finding out that reading didn't help her at all in her search of getting rid of the depression she didn't want to live with, Y/n became sadder and sadder as the days went by. Trying to find a solution for her problem wasn't really working and she was becoming worried. Soon enough, even Oikawa couldn't get a smile out of her. Iwaizumi, Irana and Ena, who didn't know a thing about her situation, started to ask themselves if they should ask Y/n about what's happening to her. Well, neither of them let it slide on Oikawa's birthday, two weeks later.

The volleyball team held the same party that they held the year before. Y/n came but she obviously didn't look like herself and it worried the boys. They asked her questions but she didn't want to answer, so she just put the blame on the sleep she had the night before. But Oikawa knew... as much as he wanted everyone to be happy on his birthday, he knew that he couldn't force Y/n to be something she couldn't be. He understood her, but it didn't stop him from walking toward her and sitting beside her on the bench.

"Hi" he greeted her, trying to get her away from her pain.

"Hi" she greeted back with no enthusiasm.

"You can go home, if you want. I know it's difficult for you. I can come see you later"

"No" she immediately refused his invitation. "It's your birthday. There's no way in hell I'm going to not be there" she said, looking at him in his eyes.

Even though she had no smile and her expression wasn't very convincing, Oikawa used the message her eyes shared and it made him smile. He stood up from the bench, still looking at her.

"Okay. But don't go running home because you protected a child from getting hit by one of my serves, please?" he tried to cheer her on before joining the boys on the court.

"Took you long enough" Matsukawa shouted.

"Yeah, sorry! But you were making the teams so..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Iwaizumi hit him in the back of his head.

"You really hit me for nothing sometimes, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa whined.

"You're captain, but you're not acting like one, Shittykawa! Now, hurry up, we'll start!"

Iwaizumi looked at Y/n, who was sitting on the bench, prepared to see them play. Their eyes met at some point and Y/n waved at him. He just waved back, his expression worried because hers wasn't the usual one she always put on. He swore to himself he wouldn't wait any longer to talk to her, because he already knew that she wasn't well and it has been a while since it's been this way. He didn't want to bother her until she was ready to talk to him, but he couldn't anymore. His attention then went back on the game and Irana and Ena arrived a few minutes later.

"You're late!" Oikawa whined when they entered the park.

"With pleasure! Consider you lucky we even came" Ena jokingly said.

"We came for our dear Y/n" Irana said, running to the bench.

She looked up at them, waving, but their expression soon went from happy to worried in a split second. Realizing how Iwaizumi and Oikawa were right when they talked a few days ago, it's like they got hit in the face by a giant wall. More like they ran in it, but they didn't change their attitude. They just sat beside Y/n, looking at the boys play. What Y/n didn't know is that her two new bestfriends secretly promised to talk to her later, after Oikawa's birthday.

The day went by faster than they all thought. The sun had set. Y/n was preparing herself to go home. Irana and Ena had just left. Iwaizumi was talking to Oikawa. When Y/n started walking toward her house, waving goodbye to everyone, the one who ran after her was Iwaizumi. She didn't dare to look up at who it was, because she already knew who it was...

"I'm sorry if you hoped I was Oikawa" he started.

"No, I already knew it was you. It was useless for Tooru to come after me, mainly if you talked to him before. Sooner or later, I knew it would happen"

"What do you mean?"

"You all looked worried. I understand why you were worried, but I couldn't be the one to approach you with my problems, because I feel like I don't have a reason to be like this, like I would be asking for attention"

"No, you wouldn't! Y/n, for all I know, you're in this state because you realized all that happened last year"

She turned to him, surprised.

"How did you-"

"I saw. I looked at you, how you reacted ; it was pretty much like last year, at the beginning of the year. And why were you like this last year? Because you had lost your parents, but right now, even your friends can't be the reason or your recovery, so I assume it's something deeper, so all the things that happened last year"

"Then, I guess I don't have to tell you anything"

"Yes, you do"

She looked at him, curious and worried.

"When did it start?"

"I don't remember the day, but I know it was on a school day. I ran into Yugata"

"So you remembered what happened with him, and that event brang back all the bad memories"

"Basically, yes"

"Who did you tell? Or more like, who knows?"

"Sao knew first, because of his girlfriend. I got worried because I was scared I would lose him, and he immediately knew something was wrong with me by how I acted. He asked me what was wrong. Tooru was next. He realized something was off about my smile"

"Your smile?" Iwaizumi asked her, surprised.


"I guess, he can be more observant when he wants to" Iwaizumi whispered to himself. "And when was that, if you don't mind?"

"After the Interhigh prelims. At first, I wanted to comfort him, but he changed the subject right after"

"So that's what happened... Do Irana and Ena know?"

"No, but I feel like it will be soon. They already know about what happened last year"

"You told them?" he asked, happy she was opening up.


"I'm glad to hear that. Thanks for answering me, Y/n. You know I'm always there, if you want to talk"

"Thank you, Hajime"

"You're more than welcome. I hope you get well"

"I'm currently trying to find ways to get out of this depression. I hope I find one soon, I don't want to stay with this any longer. This year was supposed to be an unforgettable year because it was supposed to be all perfect"

"Nothing can be perfect, Y/n and you should know it"

"I do. But I got rid of everything that was a nuisance to my life. I thought I would have a happy year, but I guess that depression part ruined a part of it. I hope I find a way to get rid of it before the end of summer"

"I hope you do, too, if it can make you happy"


Y/n's POV

A bestfriend's words are the ones I learnt to trust at 100%. And I still believe I can, because if I didn't, I wouldn't be there, knowing I would be able to find a solution before the end of summer. If Iwaizumi believes in it, too, I shall then believe in it. He has told me many things that I can't forget and that seem to be right, and there's one thing I will never forget ; it's that Oikawa Tooru is my soulmate.



(A/N) : I hope you liked this chapter. The summer is at its end. Only five other chapters before the second semester begins. See you on the other chapter :)

"I'll always wait for you" (Oikawa x Fem!reader) Sequel to "My First Love"Where stories live. Discover now