25. Free

52 2 11

(A/N) : Hi, darlings, I believe I have found the perfect song for this chapter, so if you see the three '***', please start the song, but if you prefer to just follow with the lyrics, it's your choice. See you at the end of the chapter. Happy reading!


I'm still searching for the meaning of my Uncle's words. "Then, you're welcome and keep your mind clear, it might help you to remember things you forgot". So I decided that I would go to the hidden paradise Ena and Irana showed me earlier this summer. I have came here a few times alone since I came with the girls. We also came back a few times, too.

For a group of friends, it was the perfect place to laugh, to kick water at each other, as a joke of course, to talk about multiple things, to give challenges, to put music on and dance, even with so little place, and for the obvious ; to have fun. I wouldn't run on the sloppy rocks because it would be too dangerous, but I would try to walk on them just for pure fun and try not to fall. Feel the water rolling at your feet with a wave running into your legs. It might be cold, but it's nice. The feeling is nice. The sand is soft but fragile. It tickles our feet, our toes playing with the watered brown sand. It is a wonderful feeling to live that with friends.

But it is another when you are alone. I guess it frees our mind. It lets it find the things it wants to know or remember. It clears it. That's the whole purpose of my presence here. Sitting on a rock, diary and pen in each hand, I write what comes to my mind about what I hope would happen in the last hours of the day. Today, it is the last day of summer break and I have not yet found a potential way to get rid of the depression. The conversation with Yugata helped me a little, but it wasn't big enough to keep it away from me. At least, what I wanted to accomplish by talking to him worked, so I'm happy of that, but anyway, the words on the sheets create themselves rapidly as too much ideas come to my mind to write. The sound of the waves is calming. The singing of the birds is relaxing. The beautiful view of late afternoon is breathtaking. The sounds around me make me realize the control you can have on your breath, to make yourself inhale deeply and exhale as deeply as you inhaled. I am aware of things around me I wouldn't be in a state of shock or excitement or fear. That's why I came here today, to find a way to get rid of the depression by remembering what I would have forgotten.

I have not find anything in the deep corners of my mind when the sun sets too deep and takes the light with it. I close my diary, pen placed in it and I stand up, finding my way back to the route leading to my house.

I'm starting to fear my promise will be nothing more than words only to make myself hope that it will come true and also to make my friends believe that I will be back to normal soon. I meant the words of the promise, but does the promise accepts me? If it doesn't, what is the purpose in having hope? I do not know. I wish I had the answer to that question, because it would tell me that I will find the key to healing before it hits midnight and so, if it's true, then there's only little time before I'm freed.

I arrive home, serenity filling my heart and I find my way to my room right after I took off my shoes and I do not talk to anybody, nor do I try to find anybody living in this house. I throw my diary on the desk where I usually do my homework and I sit on my bed, trying to concentrate. I need to find the cure before it hits midnight. What do I do? It is soon dinner, I will lose that precious time to think. And tomorrow, there's school, I have to go to sleep early, so another few hours lost. I need to think fast.

I feel like I'm doing a homework last minute. It's more like I'm trying to respect the promise I made.

It's almost an hour later that I hear my uncle call me for dinner. I sigh and get down to the dinning room, sitting at the table at my usual place. My uncle puts a plate in front of my brother and I and he takes his, sitting near us.

"I'll always wait for you" (Oikawa x Fem!reader) Sequel to "My First Love"Where stories live. Discover now