2. The first fight

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Third person POV

"Hi guys, I'm back!" Y/n greeted them, giving them a big smile.

Iwaizumi and Sao immediately ran toward her, giving her a big hug.

"I thought you were coming back before the beginning of the new school year. When I realized you weren't at school, I thought you would never come back" Iwaizumi said, happy that his thoughts were wrong.

"He meant 'we' by the way, not just him." Sao corrected him.

Behind the two boys, Oikawa was smiling slightly, looking at Y/n with stars in his eyes. He was happy she was back, but he wasn't able to show his happiness to her. He became shy around her... And how he reacted at her appearance didn't go unnoticed by his new friend, Hanami Linao. She reached for his arm and started clinging to it.

"Who is she, Tooru?" she asked.

When Oikawa realized there was still the two girls they met near them, he stopped dreaming.

"A- a friend" he hesitated.

"Sao, what's wrong? Who is she?" Kori Yuuri, Iwaizumi's girlfriend, asked.

Neither of them, of the three dumb boys, thought of telling Kori and Hanami who she was before she arrived. They were too excited to see her again to even think of telling the two girls.

"She's my childhood friend, Irihata Y/n" Sao presented her.

"Irihata?" Hanami asked. "Isn't your coach named like that?"

"Yeah, she's his neice" Iwaizumi explained.

"And her parents..." Kori realized. "You are the daughter of the two most popular and talented volleyball players. I don't play volleyball, but I'm a huge fan"

She didn't get the will to smile. Those two girls didn't give off good vibes. She then pointed at Kori first.

"So, I guess you are Sao's girlfriend"

And lastly, pointed at Hanami, still clinging at Oikawa, who was, politely, trying to get rid of her.

"And I guess you are my two other boys' new friend"

"I don't see why you would call them yours. You what? Disappear and come back, thinking you can have them to yourself?"

"I called them mine because it was a way of calling them my bestfriends"

"Bestfriends? Wow, how much time have you been friends with them?"

"I believe it's been a year, now" Iwaizumi stated.

Iwaizumi never took a liking to this girl, who would always ignore him and cling to Oikawa, who would ask for his help everytime she approached him too much. But it's not like they accepted her in any way, she started hanging out with them, without context.

Oikawa finally got rid of her, by pushing her away toughly, without pity. She acted like nothing happened. Y/n gave a smile to Oikawa, he gave one back. Hanami realized and cringed.

"Anyway!" she exclaimed, turning toward Sao and Iwaizumi. "I'm tired. I didn't sleep last night because my plane was at 7 pm. I barely slept in the plane and took a 7 hour trip by train to arrive here, so I'm gonna say goodbye to y'all and I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Yeah, run away again!" Y/n heard Hanami say.

She turned toward her and approached her. Hanami had taken a few steps in front of Oikawa.

"Are you trying to pick a fight?"

"I mean, you arrive here, thinking you can retake the place you had before leaving and then, you leave again, thinking you'll be easily forgiven. Whatever would have had happen, I would never have ran away like you did"

She didn't show any emotion, because she knew everyone would agree with her. That girl was just spitting stupid and wrong things.

"Let me tell you something. You don't know what happened for me to go. You don't know what I went through all last year. And you think you have the right to tell me that I cannot get forgiven for running away because of the reasons I had? I mean, did you even ask Hajime, or Sao, or Tooru if they were mad at me for leaving?"

"I mean, it's obvious. You ran away from them."

"You know nothing, 'ma'am I think I know everything about everyone'"

"What did you actually went through, anyway? The loss of parents? Oh! And I almost forgot... you almost died" she said in a sarcastic tone.

"Hanami!" Iwaizumi tried to stop her.

"Hajime, no" Y/n tried to keep her friends out of this.

"Yeah, shut up Iwaizumi" Hanami laughed at him.

Y/n turned back her attention at Hanami, really mad. She walked toward her, stopping just in front of her face, nose to nose. Hanami was smiling, thinking she had won the argument.

"Girl, just ask your fucking friend how the hell I almost died. You care so much for Tooru? Then, maybe you'll believe him. Or maybe call the best Detective of Tokyo, Talia Ryuha, and you'll believe him, or maybe just watch the tv, you'll learn plenty. But don't go laughing at my past, because I went through a lot more than that. But it's not like I would care. Laugh at it, laugh at me, like you want, but don't go treating my bestfriend like this. Wait. Wasn't he supposed to be your friend, or do you only care for Tooru? For popularity?"

"And you! You think you're better? Seducing Tooru-chan just for popularity"

"Please!" Y/n started laughing, getting away from her. "You really think you know something. Man, look at it, you don't have any idea what you're talking about. I love Tooru like I never loved anyone. But I don't think you'll even care about what I'm saying, so I'll go."

"Wait, we're not done-"

"Oh, I think we're pretty much done. Because, no matter how many minutes passed while I was talking to you, you were only pretending to know everything about me, laughing at my past, at my bestfriend. So don't come at me saying they're your friends, because I don't think I see a worthy anyone in you, who think they are better than anyone else. So let me, and my friends alone, because with your selfish little face, you're only making everyone hate you. It's not like anyone here treats you like a real friend, Hanami, you just have to see how everyone acts around you, but I guess you don't see that since your eyes are completely shut and you keep acting like nothing bad happens when you do something disgusting, annoying and selfish. Please, girl, now you'll be the one running away when you'll see how no one here gives a care about you. And next time, when you want to harass me with your so-called insults and denigrations, make some research and come back with full truth."

She didn't say anything more. Y/n just walked away, without giving another look to her friends.


(A/N) : I wanted to say that Kori and Hanami are the new girls' first names, to make it clear. For the new characters to come, I'll probably put the first name before the last name.

"I'll always wait for you" (Oikawa x Fem!reader) Sequel to "My First Love"Where stories live. Discover now