14. The sea and the park

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Third Person POV

"Why did they have to steal Y/n from us on the first day of summer break?" Oikawa complained.

"They did not steal her" Iwaizumi was trying to make him understand. "Y/n's their friend, too, may I remind you"

"But we're her bestfriends!" he exclaimed.

"Soon enough, Irana and Ena will be ours, too, and then Y/n's. I'm pretty sure by the end of summer break, they'll be calling each other besties. Look, Dummykawa, tomorrow, we'll be all together and we'll have all summer. You just need to let the girls the time to get to know each other, since they met just two months ago. Y/n never had girl friends, let her be."

"I guess. Do you know where they are bringing her?" he asked.

Iwaizumi's eyes widened at his question.

"What? Excuse me? Well, even if I knew, which is not the case, I would not tell you."

"Boys, calm down. Could we just stop talking about the girls, we'll have them all summer, so let's give them the time they want. Okay, Oikawa, for all I know, Y/n's not gay, nor bi, so they're not gonna steal her heart."

Oikawa ended up pouting, and blushing.

"Yeah, whatever."

Sao sighed, tired of him. For him, it was obvious that he wouldn't have needed to tell him that.

Anyway, the boys are at the park, playing Volleyball. Well, just Iwaizumi and Oikawa. Sao just runs after the ball when it's going too far.

And on the girls' side... well... let's see.


Y/n's POV

"Where are you bringing me?" I asked.

"You'll see" Irana said.

"You're lucky she didn't put anything on your eyes"

"You really think I would have trusted her to control my body and its every movements?"

"Uh.. no" Ena whispered.

"I can hear you, you know!" Irana exclaimed.

We were outside, walking I don't know where. It was hot, I was actually asking myself if they were not trying to kill me. We haven't been walking for long, but the sun was as hot as it could be and I was dying. For all I knew, they were bringing me to the sea. Well, every time I would beg for my uncle to pass here when we would go somewhere, I'd always stare at the sea from the back seat. So that's why it gave me motivation to continue walking.

"We arrived!" Irana finally said.

I looked around carefully. It was a forest, but if we continued, we could see rocks and a path, that led to the sea. I stopped there, and stared at it for a couple of seconds, before Ena got me out of my mind.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She asked me.

"Yes, in fact, it's magnificent."

"You've never been so near to the sea, have you?"

"I've lived in Tokyo my entire life, but my parents never took me to the beach. They were so busy with their professional lives. And I don't blame them. This is incredible as a first time seeing it."

"But this isn't all. Come!" she took my hand and we ran down the path that lead to the sea.

Irana had already started running a few seconds before us, so she was already there. We stopped when our feet were touching the water, the wet sand. I enjoyed the tickling a few seconds and the comfortability of its cold texture. I looked at the horizon and admired it for what seemed like an eternity. When I turned to see where the girls were, I noticed they were sitting on the different big rocks that were there.

"I'll always wait for you" (Oikawa x Fem!reader) Sequel to "My First Love"Where stories live. Discover now