5. Two people's point of view on the same matter

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Hanami's POV

I guess I couldn't do anything the day after the first practice the bitch attended. So, I waited for the weekend, and decided I would go to Tooru-chan's house. I was kinda excited, because it kinda meant Tooru-chan and I would get together. I was so happy, it made my day to think we would finally be kissing, cuddling and flirting right in front of Y/n. I'll make her regret her feelings.

Quitting my house with a smile on my face, I closed the door behind me and started walking to Tooru-chan's house.

When I finally arrived at his house, I made sure my hair was placed perfectly thanks to the reflection on the door window. When I knocked, I waited patiently for someone to open. When, finally, Tooru-chan answered, I was so happy to see him that my smile could almost break all the bones of my face. The smile he had instantly faded, but I just thought it was a surprise expression.

"Oh, Hanami" he greeted me.

"Tooru-chan, hi! Can I come in? I want to talk to you."

"Yeah" he let me in without hesitating and closed the door.

He then went up the stairs and I followed him. When I arrived in his bedroom, I couldn't stop admiring it.

"Wow, first time I come into your room. It's so beautiful!"

"It's just a plain looking bedroom like you could see in every teenage boy's room"

"No, I refuse to think, one second, that your bedroom, Tooru Oikawa's bedroom would look like every other room."

"But it does"

He gave me a smile. I felt my legs almost lose their balance.

"What did you want to talk about?" he suddenly asked. "I am very busy"


He looked at me, clearly not wanting to answer the question. I just wanted to spend more time with him. Is that wrong?

"What do you want? I am busy" he repeated.

"Um..." I said, twirling a lock of hair and walking toward him, looking at the ground.

I stopped when I was just a few centimeters away from him and I lifted up my head. He had no expression on his face. I got up on my tiptoes and closed my eyes. I closed the gap between us, but I got pushed away when our lips were almost touching.

"What's your problem?" he asked, and I could see, now, how he was mad.

"I- I love you."

"No, you don't! It's just an illusion! What did you even think? How did you think I would fall in love with a girl like you?"

"Because I thought that because you fell for Y/n, you would fell for me."

"Don't dare compare yourself to her. You're no where near her"

"But I never left you!"

"You don't know the reason between our breakup!"

"She left you to go to the United States, isn't that it?"

"No! You don't know anything. Stop thinking you do, just assuming things happened how you saw it. Leave me alone!"

"But, don't... you love me, too? I mean, we started hanging out and we had fun!"

"Are you blind? Are you that fucking blind? I never even liked you in the first place. You were getting too near. It disgusted me. You don't know how you disgust me."

"But Y/n joined you and you didn't push her away."

"Y/n didn't want to hang out with us in the first place. We were the ones who wanted to help her. And talking about Iwaizumi and me, you never even acknowledged him. When you did, it was to spit an insult at him."

"I'll always wait for you" (Oikawa x Fem!reader) Sequel to "My First Love"Where stories live. Discover now