16. Two ennemies meet again

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When I woke up today, literally at 5 am because I had a nightmare, I decided I would go take a walk to make me forget this scary and disturbing annoyance. My pajamas was wet, so I decided to go take a shower. I ate, put on some light clothes and went out, locking the door behind me. I started walking, putting my earphones in my ears and putting on music as its loudest.

The sun was revealing its magical colors and the moon was no where to be found. The damp air of this day of June felt heavy but comfortable and gave me a feeling I liked.

I found myself walking in front of Yugata's house, but I didn't stop, nor did I look at anything. I just continued my way, but I didn't go far, because some voice called my name. It was loud enough for me to hear through my headphones, but I continued walking, ignoring the voice who I knew was belonging to.

And suddenly a hand touched my shoulder. I immediately took it off, perfectly knowing it was Yugata. I took off my earphones and let the wires restrain them from falling.

"What do you want, now, Yugata?"

"I screamed your name and you didn't hear me"

"You screamed my name in a neighborhood still asleep, Yugata. I'm glad you're gonna get complaints."

"I saw you outside my window, I thought it would be cool to come wish you a good morning."

"I don't care about your good morning. In fact, I don't give a freaking care about your entire being"

"Why are you being so mean, Y/n, I thought I apologized"

"Why- Well I thought I told you you weren't forgiven. What are you even doing awaken at this hour of the day"

"I have difficulties sleeping"

"Good for you"

"You're not yourself"

"I think I'm pretty much myself when I'm around you, after what you did"

We walked for a few minutes in complete silence and then, he started talking again.

"Do you remember last year when we went to the beach"

"Yeah, when I was naïve and thought you were a good guy"

"I am still a good guy"

"Do you really think I'm as naïve as I was, Yugata?"

"I'm just telling the truth"

"Yours, then, 'cause it was never mine"

"I'm sorry"

"You're not"

"I am"

"Oh, stop. You never were sorry for what you did, which means one, using Tooru, two, kissing me without my consent, three, breaking our relationship, four, lying to your own friends. Go kill yourself, Yugata, and I mean it"

"I won't, because I know you don't want me dead"

"As a kind human being, that was a way to get you away from me"

"Well, I guess you're kind"

We passed in front of a house where a man was going out of their house to probably get to work. I politely waved at him when he had locked his door. He waved at us too.

"What a cute couple"

My smile faded and I didn't want to be kind.

"We are not and never will be!"

When we were far away from his house, Yugata leaned his head near mine.

"That was cute"

"It was frustrating and disgusting" I told him, a disgusted look on my face.

"Y/n-chan?" Tooru called my name.

I stopped in my tracks and Yugata did, too, his head still leaned near mine. I also still had the disgusted look on my face from his proximity.

"Why is everyone awaken at that hour of the day?" I asked myself.

"What's happening?" he asked, walking toward us.

"That crappy little baby just ruined my day" I told him, pushing Yugata's face away from mine.

Tooru looked at me and then at Yugata with an angry look on his face.

"What are you doing awaken at this hour, Y/n?"

"I'll tell you later, but Yugata saw me through his window when I passed his house and wanted to stalk on me"

"Hey, I didn't"

"I don't care. From my perspective and my opinion of you, you were following me like a stalker"

"Come on, Y/n, I-"

He stopped because he realized how Tooru was looking at him. I was laughing secretly. But then I realized that it was the actual first time they were seeing each other after that night. I mean, he didn't tell me if he saw him after I left, so I don't know if my thoughts are true.

"I wanted to apologize for what happened" he said, trying to save himself.

"Fun fact, I don't forgive you"

Yugata turned his head from me to him and did that a couple times.

"Are you really the same, or what?"

"No, we're just really smart people" I told him. "He believed you the first time you lied to him, but the second one won't be it"

I had no expression on my face. That actually made me look scarier than I thought since Yugata seemed scared.

Tooru then looked at me.

"Can I?" he asked me. I knew what he was talking about and I wasn't against what he would be doing.

"It would be my pleasure, but I'm not strong enough to give him a big enough bruise"

"Actually, the ones you gave me almost broke my nose and it gave me bruises"

"What?" Tooru seemed confused, looking at me.

"What?" I repeated, doing like nothing happened.

"Wait" Yugata realized, looking at Tooru, who was walking toward him.

He ended up receiving only one big punch from Tooru, which was less than I expected, but he fell to the ground. Tooru placed himself over him and took him by the collar.

"I finally got to do it after long months of waiting to see you alone just for that. Now, listen to me, you asshole, don't you dare talk to her again, don't you dare touch to you again or you'll regret it"

"You're not the only one in love with her, Oikawa. You don't get to decide what I do with my feelings like I can't do anything with yours and it's been proven"

"You want another one?"

"Give me as many as you want, but I won't be given up the girl I love"

"It's not like I'm gonna be yours, anyway" I said.

"You will"

Tooru let him fall to the ground and put a protective arm over my shoulders and we walked away, ignoring the complaints of Yugata, which we didn't give a care for.


(A/N) : That was two chapters for my bestfriend's birthday. I hope you enjoyed them and see you later today for another chapter, but we'll see, because I'm actually doing something today and I doubt I'll have time to publish another chapter, so see you soon :)

"I'll always wait for you" (Oikawa x Fem!reader) Sequel to "My First Love"Where stories live. Discover now