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It was another regular night in Ninjago city, everyone was going towards their homes to be with their families after a tiring work day. But, as we look closer into one certain person in green, we see that he is going to a regular-sized suburban home, where he was greeted by a woman in dark green.

"Hey, Lloyd!" said the woman, also known as Harumi. "How was work today?"

"Good, I guess," mumbled Lloyd. "Where's Matthew, our newborn son?"

"Sleeping peacefully,"


"Well, what're you doing outside?" said Harumi, jokingly. "Come on in! You bought this house, yet you aren't getting in."

Lloyd chuckled as he took of his work shoes, and entered the house, not daring to say what just happened earlier in the day to Harumi. It would just make things worse, and it would risk his family's life.

"Have you eaten dinner?" asked Harumi, getting some plates from a nearby cupboard. 

Lloyd shook his head.

Just as the couple sat down on the table and prepared to eat, a loud usual crying noise filled the house. The crying nose of Lloyd and Harumi's firstborn son, Matthew, always echoed through every room.

"Oh, not again," said Harumi, as she got up. "I just put him to sleep ten minutes ago."

"I guess he misses you already," chuckled Lloyd, getting up to join his wife. "And I already miss him. It's been a long day today." he whispered quietly.

As the two entered Matthew's room, there stood a small newborn baby, just one month old, bawling inside of his crib. Harumi chuckled, as she lifted up her son, and bounced him in her arms. That seemed to cheer Matthew up a little.

"There, there," comforted Lloyd, trying to cheer Matthew up. 'What's up, buddy?

But, as the coaxing bounce of his mother continued on, Matthew fell right into his perfect deep slumber, yet again.

"Let's hope he doesn't wake up again this time," whispered Harumi, looking lovingly at her son. "I don't think I can stay another night without getting a blink of sleep."

"Come on, the food's getting cold if we just stay here," said Lloyd. "Plus, we wouldn't want to disturb him. He looks very sleepy from crying."

"I know. But he just looks so cute in there," replied Harumi. "Oh, right, and aren't we going to meet your friends tomorrow? What time was it again?"

"It's at 11 in the morning,"

"Great. I hope Matthew won't be too fussy tomorrow."

As Lloyd and Harumi left their son's nursery and went to continue eating dinner, Harumi asked, "By the way, what happened in work?"

"Er, do you want to know the truth?" said Lloyd.

"Of course I want to know the truth!" Harumi retorted. 

"Alright, if you insist," said Lloyd, taking a bite of chicken. "It started off pretty regular and normal, other people congratulating me and stuff. It was all pretty smooth, until, well, something happened." Lloyd paused as he bit another slice of chicken. 

"Tell me what happened,"

"Er, one of my colleagues told me that something was in the sky, and I thought that he was just joking on with me, but when I looked up, it wasn't a joke at all. There stood a tall hooded figure in black, it kind of reminded me when you were in a kabuki mask and told me about the Council of The Crystal King, and when I walked towards it, I felt like a thousand knives slashed through every vein inside of me. I don't remember a lot, but people said that I blacked out."

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