The Dentist's Visit

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Alright, so I was thinking of a good topic for this chapter (chapter 7) and in the middle of it, I noticed I had a dentist's appointment. 

So, while Mrs. Dentist was drilling holes in my teeth, and then filling it with what they call 'teeth pasta', I was thinking of a good story line for this, I don't know, maybe somewhat short chapter.

And before I forget more things about Chapter 7: A Dentist's Visit, I'll be clear, this is a focus chapter for Jay, Nya will get her own chapter, I will tell you, maybe after this chapter, as I still have NO idea whatsoever about Lloyd and Harumi, as well as their newborn son, Matthew. 

Mate, I did not know how hard it was to right for a BABY, that can't walk, talk, or do what we older children can do. (No offense for anyone, I'm just saying that it is quite hard to write a baby, while showing that they are important to the chapter that I am writing on.)😅


Jay's P.O.V.

It was another day of playing with my children, Ruth and Samuel. Except, the only difference today is that Nya and I were planning on taking them for a dentist's appointment today. 

The kids absolutely hated the dentist, I mean, I did, too, but Nya told me to just stay quiet about the dentist, so that I won't be another influence for them that dentists are evil. Poor dentists, more like horrifying monsters for little children with their drills and other stuff. 

I was playing video games while Samuel was watching, and Ruth was playing with her dolls and her other girly toys. 

"Jay, it's ten minutes before the appointment," said Nya, as she walked down the stairs. "Stop playing video games and help me get the kids ready."

"Huh?" I asked, oblivious. "What appointment? Oh, right. Come on, Ruth, Samuel, let's get you two ready."

"For what?" asked Samuel. "Where will go today, Dad?"

"We'll, er, be going to the mall," I awkwardly said. 

Okay, I know it's bad to lie to your own child, but I wasn't technically lying to Samuel. The dentist was located on the third floor of a mall. Or was that still a lie?

"Mall?" said Ruth, as her eyes sparked up with excitement. "Mommy, let's go get ready now!"

Ruth was always like that. Every single time me and Nya would say that we were all going to the mall to shop for something, Ruth would be the first one to get ready, while Samuel, on the other hand, would just roll his eyes and unwillingly get ready.

"But I wanna stay home and play video games like Dad," said Samuel, groaning. "The mall's boring. All Ruth and Mom does there is just shopping for new things that we already have here at home."

"I also don't want to go to the mall, Sam," I said ruffling his hair. "But whenever we do something, don't they also agree to it, even if they don't want to?"

"I mean, I guess you're right," he muttered under his breath. "Let's go."

It took quite a while for us to get ready, and when we finally got in the car, the traffic on the highway, was worse.

"Great," I heard Nya groaned. "It's the regular working rush traffic."

"If only we could borrow Cole and Vania's flying car," I said. "That would make things a whole lot easier."

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