The Scroll of Life

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I'm still working on a good scenario for this...

So, yeah, so before you read, I just created a new Conia book, written in British language, but for this book I'll continue writing in the United States English.

This will be like a chapter for Kai. From what I recall, I only created one main chapter for Kai. While for the rest, two. I think.


Kai's P.O.V.

It was another Monday. I don't really know what to think about it, as before I had a family, everyday was training.

But today was different. I was in the task of driving my children to their new school and picking them up because Skylor was usually in work in the time of their school. For now, we were all eating breakfast.

"Esther, don't play with the knife," I said, taking the sharp knife away from her hand. "Who even gave you this?"

"I took it from the kitchen," said Esther, innocently. "no one was using it in the sink, so I think that nobody needs it."

It took quite a long time before everybody was finally ready to go out. 

"Kids, listen to your father later, okay?" said Skylor, kissing Esther and Timothy goodbye. "See you later."

"Okay, you two, time to go to school," I said, picking them up. 

Once I finished dropping Esther and Timothy off, I went back home, where I was checking some folders. That is, until I saw a scroll that I have never seen before in the room.

The scroll was shining silver, making the old, crusty, and smelly brown paper a little bit more attractive to the eyes. A little bit.

I took it, and there was some sort of writing written down:

זו הנבואה שאני, ירמיהו, אביא לילדי הנינג'ה.הם יהיו גדולים, גדולים מההורים שלהם. עשיר ברחמים וחמלה, מוכן לקחת את הסיכון לטובת הכלל.

(A/N: This is in Hebrew)

"What's written here?" I wondered. "I should probably ask Zane."

I called Zane, for a translation, and he came over to my house to check the scroll that I was telling him about.

"Kai, where did you get this scroll?" Zane asked me. 

"I was just checking the folders here, when this thing suddenly began glowing silver," I said, shrugging. "Why? What's so important about it?"

"Upon translating this, it is a prophecy," said Zane. "It says: 'This is the prophecy that I, Jeremiah, will bring to the Ninja children. They will be great, greater than their parents. Rich in mercy and compassion, ready to take the risk for the greater good.

"This prophet, Jeremiah, was prophesying about the future of our children," said Zane. "They will be greater than we were ever."

"Is there anyone named Jeremiah?" I curiously asked. "Maybe we could ask him more about this prophecy."

"I believe that there is a man named Jeremiah living in the apartments of Ninjago,"

"That's great!" I said, grabbing the scroll. "I'll take a quick trip and visit him and try to get an explanation about this scroll!"

"If so," said Zane, nodding. "I wish you the best of luck, Kai."

I went to the Ninjago apartments, and asked for the address of this prophet, it took a bit of persuasion, but in the end, I was able to finally succeed.

"Mister Jeremiah is in room 507," said the person in the lobby. 

"Thanks," I said.

Once reaching the room, I rang the doorbell, and when the door swung open, I saw a man with light brown hair and beard, fair skin, green eyes, and a black earring on one of his ear.

"Welcome, Kai Smith,"  he said. "I know you are looking for me to explain my prophecy about the children of your friends and you too. Correct?"

"Er, yeah," I said. "Wait. How did you know? Are you the prophet Jeremiah?"

"Do you think that I'm the prophet you're seeking?" he chuckled. "If so, then I am."

I blinked at him, not knowing what to say. This guy was nearing the edge of craziness.

"You seem to not understand," he continued. "I'm trying to say that whatever your heart is thinking, your mouth will reveal it all. When you have a heart as rotten as trash, your talk will say, while if your heart is pure, same thing. And, in other things, I am the prophet Jeremiah. The one whom you are looking for. Come in, and I will tell you everything that is in that scroll."

I went in and sat down on the couch.

"OK, so, Jeremiah, what does this scroll mean? And why is it written in Hebrew?" I asked. 

"Ah, that," Jeremiah smiled. "I am only a prophet, writing and telling things that I have been asked to. I was given a vision three years ago, when the first Ninja child was born, that all of your children will be greater than any Ninja who has ever been born."

"Who gave you that vision?"

"Seek for Him with all your heart," said Jeremiah. "and you will see His face."


"And that is the reason why you were given this prophecy. Now, I think you have children waiting for you to pick them up,"

I looked at my watch, and saw that it was almost time to pick up Esther and Timothy. But before I left Jeremiah's house, I just had to ask him one last question.

"Why was it written in Hebrew?" I asked him my last question. "Why didn't you write it down in English?"

"For I was born a Hebrew from Hebron thirty seven years ago," said Jeremiah. "I moved to Ninjago City after getting clear instructions to go here because a war had begun and many people were dying."

"Oh," I said. "Well, uh-"

"You can leave now, you know, you do not need to stay here,"

I left, and went to pick up my kids. Knowing that they were already something special.

"Daddy!" said Esther, as she ran to my arms. "I had so much fund today!"

"Me, too, Daddy!" said Timothy, jumping up and down. 

"Yeah?" I said. "Well, you two are already something special. And, guess what?"

"What?" said Esther.

"This generation of Ninja will soon be the greatest generation of Ninjas that anyone in Ninjago will ever be,"

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