The Four Clues

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"What mystery?" asked Cole. "I think I'm getting too old for my the fighting life again. Plus, we've all got our own families now. It'd be way too dangerous for us to risk our lives."

"Cole may be a bit right about getting too old," said Lloyd. "But, we're already risking our children's lives by not doing anything. This figure could strike at any moment, and what'll we be doing?"

"We may be getting old, but how about your kids, are they showing signs of elemental powers?" asked Jay.

"For a two and one year old?" Kai scoffed. "Yeah, right. It'd take a wonderful miracle for that to happen."

"And my son just came into the world," added Lloyd. 

"Right, I forgot that your son is the youngest," chuckled Cole. "Matthew's father is the youngest Ninja member, and I guess he's following in your footsteps, Lloyd."

Cole gave a jaunty wink, which made everyone, except Lloyd, laugh their heads out. As the Ninjas started joking around, like when they were still young, a loud thud! suddenly filled the park, making everyone on it land on their knees.

"What was that?" asked Lloyd, shaking his head and getting up. "And where's Matthew and Harumi?"

"Relax," said Kai, coughing. "They're safe with Skylor, Nya, and Vania. I think. I can't see them, though."

"The impact seemed to have made some of the unused dust around us, just go," said Cole. "But I think I can somewhat see Vania."

Cole squinted his eyes, as ten figures, who were on the floor, came into view. He ran towards Vania, David, and Sarah, and helped them up.

"You okay?" he asked. 

"Yes," Vania and David chorused. 

Sarah was in the arms of her father, as quiet as the wind. Sarah seemed to be a bit shaken up by what just happened. 

Kai, too, ran towards Skylor, Esther, and Timothy, but Jay seemed paralyzed on the floor.

"Jay?" asked Nya, who walked towards her husband. "Jay, what's wro- OH, MY GOSH!"

"What?" asked Kai. "Something happened there?"

"I think it's better if you just come here, Kai," said Nya. "It's something I can't describe. And please don't bring the kids here." she added sharply.


"It's not really something fun,"

"All right, then,"

Kai walked calmly towards his sister and Jay. Kai seemed to be quite calm, that is, until he reached the place where Nya and Jay were.

"Er, Cole, Lloyd? You better come see this," said Kai, still staring.

"Why? What's up?" asked Cole.

"It's way too nasty to describe,"

"I guess we better check it out," said Lloyd.

Cole nodded, as he put his daughter down. Both he and Lloyd walked and walked, until-

"What happened to this guy!" Lloyd exclaimed. 

There stood a man. Dead, presumably. This man was completely disemboweled and there seemed to be no more organs in the sight of his body. Scratches and deep wounds surrounded his arms, legs, and torso. But his head, was somehow in one piece.

"Hey, there's writing beside this guy," said Kai, pointing towards a small bloody note. "But it's really, like really, bloody."

Lloyd reached out for the bloody note and read what was written on the parchment.

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