Mother's Day Off

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This is a chapter focusing on Kai. I could not get any good ideas for the title, so yeah... I hope you enjoy this chapter that I wrote! I was finally able to write in peace, as I was writing on a tablet for the past few days, and whenever I use that to write, it usually takes longer.

Oh, and I forgot to say that in the last chapter, I had no grudges against anyone named named 'Benjamin' or 'Evans', I just got the name from Genesis when Jacob predicted that Benjamin, his twelfth son, would be a ravenous wolf, devouring his prey at the day time and sharing his hunt in the night. (Genesis 49:27)

And autocorrect! It just- I do NOT like autocorrect when I write my stories.

By the way, it took three tries to have a good title for this chapter. 

Sooo, yeah... you may start reading the story now!

Kai's P.O.V.

It was finally the weekend! After a long week of, er, troubles, Saturday came. I wasn't planning on doing anything today, other than just relaxing with my kids.

Oh, how dearly wrong I was about that. 

"Hello, Kai," said Skylor, walking into our bedroom, where I was laying down on the bed. "What will you be doing today?"

"I don't know," I replied. "I guess I'll just relax and stuff."

"Then, does that mean that you're free all day today?"

Why would Skylor ask that? Of all my years of being married to her, I knew that whenever she would confirm something, that was never good. At least, not for me.

"Yeah, I guess so," I said, not hoping to lie to her. "Wait, why did you ask about that?"

"Oh, that?" said Skylor, smirking. "Nothing. Just that me and the girls will be going out today, and I was hoping that you and the boys could watch the kids?"

I stood gaping at Skylor. I had no idea what I should say to her. I knew full well that when she would say that, there was, I'll say, no more turning back. Me and my friends had to watch the kids. 

"I guess that's not so bad," I said, finally. "What time will you guys leave?"

"An hour,"

I rolled out of bed and went to get ready, I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and took an unwilling bath. 

As I went down the stairs, I noticed that Esther and Timothy were already sitting down on the couch watching some TV. 

"Hey, guys," I said. "What are you two doing?"

"Watching," said Esther.

Timothy nodded willingly to his older sister.

"Did you know that you guys' mom would be going out with her friends today?" I questioned them. "And that me and the other Ninjas would be baby-er- watching you?"

"No," they chorused. 


After an hour of playing with Esther and Timothy, Skylor told us that she was already leaving. A couple of minutes later, though, four people rang the house's doorbell. 

"Must be my friends," I muttered to myself, while standing up to open the front door. 

As the door swung open, I saw Lloyd, Jay, Cole, and Zane waiting at the front porch with their children holding their hand or hands for Jay and Cole. 

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