The Fantastic Surprise

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The four Ninjas have already found all of the clues that they needed to defeat this monster. It was a joyous moment, but there was now only one problem: when will they have the time to meet again to join the four notes?

Lloyd's P.O.V.

I had received the message from Cole yesterday afternoon saying that he had already found the fourth clue regarding the monster, and it was actually really surprising. Knowing that he was both a king and a father, that is. 

Sleeping last night felt warm and airy, unlike the other nights that I had trouble. I was eating breakfast with Harumi, since Matthew was still sleeping. 

"You seem awfully quiet this morning, Lloyd," said Harumi, noticing that I had not talked as much as I did before. "Is something bothering you?"

"No, I was just thinking about what happened yesterday, you know, when we met with my friends," I said, shaking my head. "What do you think will happen now?"

Harumi seemed shocked about what I just said, which was odd. She usually knew what I was talking about, but now, it was like she was hiding something from me. 

"Well, I-I don't know," she stuttered.

"Do you have anything to do with this?" I said, acting suspicious. "Like you always do?"

"Nope," said Harumi, nonchalantly. "I've got no idea whatsoever on what you're talking about now."

I gave some thought about what she had just said and laid low.

"Fine. If you don't want to tell me, then I'll find out myself,"

We finished eating through the quiet lull. After the dishes, utensils, and table had been cleaned and wiped, Harumi thought that she should wake up Matthew, as it was getting late and we did not want him fussy. Especially in the morning.

Matthew gave a wide yawn as he stretched and slowly woke up. But what I noticed at that moment, was that Matthew did not seem interested in eating anything. He usually ate first and would start his day. The only time when he didn't want to eat, was when he, no, it can't mean he has a fever.

I quickly put my hand on top of his small forehead and, man, it was really hot, like the time when I was stuck in the volcano and Kai had to rescue me. Oh, and that's also the time when we found out that I was the destined Green Ninja. Okay, maybe not that hot. But still, it's not the average temperature.

"His head is burning hot," I told Harumi. "I'll get the thermometer to check it out."

I ran towards the cabinet where Harumi and I stored the baby equipment, took out the thermometer, and placed it on Matthew's head.

His fever was 102℉, that was not good. Whenever Matthew gets a fever, he doesn't eat that much, and just sleeps all day long. 

"102 Fahrenheit?" said Harumi, concerned. "Where did he get this?"

"I don't know," I said. "We didn't do anything yesterday except when we met with my friends. But my friends' kids aren't sick. Or at least they don't look like it."

Harumi gave me looks, which I read as, 'not funny' and I fell silent.

"We should get him some medicine to help him feel better," said Harumi, changing the subject. "Can you hold him for a second? I'll get his medicine."

Harumi handed me Matthew as she went out to get some medicine. I looked down, and saw that Matthew was cooing and playing with my shirt as I rocked him back and forth.

"Hey, buddy," I whispered, as I saw him looking up and looking at my face. "What's up? Why do you have a fever?"

Matthew giggled, but continued playing with my shirt.

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