Hooded Black Figure

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Lloyd was running. Running as fast as he could. 


A tall, dark, hooded, and black figure came following him every corner Lloyd goes to, it sees, what could this creature be?

"I need you and your family's blood," growled the black figure. "to continue the plans I have for Ninjago city. So give me the blood I need!"

"You could take my blood, but don't you dare touch Harumi and Matthew!" said Lloyd bravely, but deep down, he felt like cowering in a corner. "They are far too precious for me to lose. You may not think of it; I will keep fighting until whatever evil thing you plot is over!"

"Bravery," it scoffed. "You, a regular person with no extraordinary powers, think that you could defy me?"

"First things first, who are you?"

"I am someone whom you will soon find out," 


"Even if I'm really enjoying this little chat, you already know way too much about me. So you shall now see the real world."

The figure snapped its long fingers, and, within seconds, Lloyd had awoken.

"What time is it?" groaned Lloyd early in the morning. 

Lloyd checked his right side, and saw that Harumi was already out of bed. So, grunting, he looked towards his left, where the digital clock lay. Lloyd widened his eyes, as the numbers read, '10:07 A.M.'.

Lloyd got out of the bed, took a quick bath, changed clothes, and combed his hair quickly. He ran down the stairs, and saw that there stood Harumi, feeding Matthew.

"Seriously?" said Lloyd, sitting down on the nearest chair in sight. "Why didn't you wake me up? I was literally right beside you."

"Well," she began, before giving a slight smirk. "I thought it would be best if you just stayed and, what's a good word, relaxed."

"Relaxed?" said Lloyd sarcastically, getting some breakfast for himself. "More like slept in, and for the record, you could've just woken me up, and I wouldn't have panicked like mad. Have you eaten breakfast yet?" he questioned, seeing that Harumi was quite focused on their son.

"Yeah, I had some before Matthew started crying," said Harumi, patting Matthew gently on the back. "Turns out, his diaper was full and needed a changing, immediately. But when I tried taking him back to bed, he wouldn't sleep a wink. So, I just got ready, and fed him."

Lloyd nodded in agreement, as he thought of the small get together with his friends, the Ninjas. All of his friends already had families of their own, Cole was even crowned King of Shintaro for proposing to Vania. Though, Harumi had always questioned on how Zane and Pixal could get kids.

"How do Nindroids reproduce?" she would question whenever Lloyd would bring up the topic. "I don't think it's possible for them to have children. How about you?"

 "Anyways," said Harumi, after a short moment of silence. "how are you feeling? Didn't you say last night that there was this hooded thing slicing you?"

"Oh, that was nothing," said Lloyd, suddenly remembering the dream that he had. "I didn't know that you would still think about that."

"Of course I would remember that! It's one of the most important things. You're my husband, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you,"

"Yeah, I know," said Lloyd, looking up. "Oh, dear, is it already 10:45?"

"What?" said Harumi. "Oh, we better get going then. I think Matthew's finished eating already. He's already fallen asleep."

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