The Prince's Birthday

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Alright, so as I said in the last chapter's comments, the days has passed and it is now July 31st, or as what the title chapter says, Prince David's birthday. 

If you ask, "Why is his birthday July 31?", then the answer would be because it is Harry Potter's birthday, too, and I am a HUGE Potterhead. Though, I was born in February. 

David and Harry, I wonder why I did not name Cole's son Harry, never mind, are born as Leos! And... I'm a Pisces, in the month of February... ♓

Enjoy David's 4th birthday party! ♌And this is the Leo sign, just to be clear here.

And the story would be written in Cole's point of view. With a sprinkle of Vania's perspective, too! I really want to right in Vania's P.O.V. as it would be a new experience for me. 😉


Vania's P.O.V.

It had already been two weeks since the incident with Simeon's hard drive, and now, it's already the night before Cole and my son, David, would have his fourth birthday. 

Cole and I had been planning his birthday for a week while he was gone for school, and everything had been going on smoothly.

We were both playing with the kids before they went to bed, and David was really excited for tomorrow. He kept on running around the playroom.

"Mommy, tomorrow's my birthday!" he told me, his messy amber colored hair swinging. "Did you know that, Mommy? Did you?"

"Yes, my son," I said, with a smile. 

"It was her who brought you into the world," said Cole, jokingly. "So, she should know that. Right, Vania?"

"How?" asked David, curiously. "How did Mommy bring me into this world, Daddy?"

"Want to learn the story?"


David ran to his father, who ruffled his hair, and set him onto Cole's lap. Sarah was also quite intrigued with why her brother was so excited.

Third Person:

"Here's the story, you two;" Cole began saying to his son and daughter. 

Time skip 4 years ago July 31

It was the day of David's birth, but Cole and Vania did not know that. Yet. As David was supposed to be born in the month of August.

The couple were busy doing their royal duties as the King and Queen of Shintaro, when Vania suddenly felt a small kick from her stomach.

"Cole, Cole, the baby's kicking!" Vania exclaimed, as she took Cole's hand and placed it onto her paunch. "Our little prince."

Cole smiled and he finger combed Vania's hair. 

The hours passed, and soon it was now evening and Vania was getting ready for bed. Everything was fine, but things were not going to be as relaxed as this, as Vania felt more pain. This was from two hours apart, until ten minutes apart.

"Cole, I don't feel so well," Vania complained, as she set down beside her husband. "The baby just keeps on kicking."

Cole put his book, which he was reading, down.

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