Simeon's Creations Part II

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Thank you, PotterHeadGnat for suggesting a Part II of Simeon's Creations!

This chapter will focus on how Zane and Pixal will know what's behind their son, Simeon and his creations! With a little help from Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Nya, and Cole of course.

I will be calling Simon Simeon (si - mee - uhn) this time in the chapter, just saying this so that you won't get confused :)

Thanks once again, and enjoy Part II!

Zane's P.O.V.

It was the middle of the night, and me and my friends, Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Nya, and Cole, were in my office in the house, where we were supposed to look for some files regarding Simeon. Pixal and I agreed that while me and the other searched around for clues, she would take the hard drive from him, and help us out after she got it.

"Are you really sure that this would work?" Kai snapped, while I was scrolling down in the computer's files. "Didn't you just say you'd get the truth out of your son 'the right way', what happened to that?"

"It did not work so well," I replied. "Pixal suggested that I do this in case something dangerous is happening. And I do not want Simeon to be in danger because of that."

"That's totally regular," said Nya, though she sounded sarcastic. "It's not like nobody doesn't do that."

"What do you want us to do anyways?" asked Cole, peeking at my computer. "Is it that important that you had to urgently call me?"

"Affirmative," I said. "I need you, Cole, to check out these files on your computer at your home. It is going to be too risky if you do it here. Just send me a quick message or a call when you find something interesting."

I handed Cole exactly five hard drives to check out, and sent him on his way, politely. He agreed and I gave each of my friends a different job.

"Lloyd, if you are not busy taking care of your son, can you check these book notes out? These are Simeon's, and I am afraid that they might include some interesting facts about my son. 

"Kai, can you please see if there is anything interesting about these other hard drives I have to Cole. There are exactly ten, and I thought of giving you and Cole five each.

"And Jay and Nya, I need you two to check these plans out. I believe you two will be able to figure these out." I finished.

"Of course, buddy," said Lloyd, with a smile. "I'll look for some free time."

"I mean, I don't have anything better to do, do I?" said Kai, looking at the hard drives. "These seem good."

"Sure," chorused Nya and Jay. 

"How about you?" asked Kai. "What will you do in order to save Simeon? Must be something important if you gave us these easy tasks to do."

"I do believe that if you did not have children, it would be super easy, but now, I have some doubts about it," I said. "And I will check out Simeon's personal drive. Which is mostly made out of code."

I showed my screen to the others, who gaped at it.

"Er, okay," said Kai, trying to understand, what he was looking at. "That- that is just your part. Anyways, I gotta go now. See you, guys!"

Kai left, along with Lloyd, Jay and Nya.

Now, I was checking Simeon's drive. There was nothing wrong with it, until I saw a file named, 'Future Visions' . Intrigued, I opened the file and was surprised by what was inside of it.

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