A Diagnosis

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As what the title said, this chapter will have a diagnosis to one of the Ninja kids. "Who?" you may ask, well, as requested by Disney_Encanto101_ it will be about Lloyd and Harumi's son, Nathanael Matthew! And, yes, I did create a first name for him, just like I did David, David Peter, AND his name is not spelled wrong. I named him and David after one of The Twelve (disciples of Jesus). 


Lloyd's P.O.V.

It was the day after Cole's son, David, had celebrated his fourth birthday. I couldn't join in with my friends, because I had to watch my three month old son, Nathanael Matthew, with Harumi. I saw how Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane had been sending pictures from yesterday's party, and it kind of made my heart sink.

"Lloyd, are you alright?" Harumi asked me, after seeing how gloomy my face looked. "You don't seem well."

"What?" I muttered under my breath. "Oh, right, my face, there's nothing wrong. It's just my face in the morning."

 Both of us just sat down there in complete silence, until we heard Matthew crying. This was a regular happening for him. I don't know if that's regular, but today, Harumi booked an appointment with Matthew's doctor, Doctor Issachar. (yup another Bible name from the twelve tribes of Israel)

"Hey, buddy," I said, gingerly picking him up. "why are you crying? Is something wrong? Or are you hungry?"

Matthew blabbered baby language, which of course, I could not understand.

"Don't worry, Matthew," I whispered in his small ear. "later we'll get you checked out and we'll see what's wrong."

A few hours later in the hospital

We were waiting in the hospital chairs, with Harumi breastfeeding Matthew. (🤮 honestly) I nervously ruffled my long, blonde tousled hair.

"NATHANAEL MATTHEW GARMADON!" yelled Doctor Issachar's assistant after a short while. "It's your turn!"

Matthew gave a small baby noise, as me and Harumi stood up and went inside the large  doctor's office. 

"So, Lloyd and Harumi," said Doctor Issachar, taking his clipboard and sitting down on his desk. "what brings you here today? Is something wrong with Nathanael?"

"He's been crying a lot lately, Doctor," said Harumi, her brow furrowing. "You said that it usually goes only about two to three hours for a regular baby, but he's been crying for four hours in the night, which makes me and Lloyd wake up late in the morning."

"Oh, that," smiled Doctor Issachar. "Well, as you may know Nathanael's father, Lloyd, has elemental power, which he will soon inherit. This leads him to be quite different from other two month olds. And it's usually the two month part where babies usually cry a lot."

Doctor Issachar then began examining Matthew, laying him down on the weighing scale, checking his eyes, ears, and mouth, and checking his heartbeat.

"Ah, I see the problem here. Little Nathanael here has colic," he concluded, writing on his clipboard. "And, upon seeing the worried look on both of your faces, I think I should add the colic is a common condition for young babies. It will go away on its own, sometimes when the baby turns three months, or other six months.

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